Jouni Ahopelto
VTT (Finland)
Professor Ahopelto received his doctoral degree from Helsinki University of Technology on fabrication and characterisation of self-organising quantum dots and quantum wires based on 3-5 materials. In 1991-1993 he was a visiting scientist in Japan in Sakaki Quantum Wave Project. He established the Nanoelectronics group at VTT in late 90’s and has hold the position of Research Professor with main focus on nanoelectronics since 2002. Current research topics, in addition to nanoelectronics, include nanophotonics, phononics and nanofabrication. Professor Ahopelto has published over 100 journal papers and has about 200 conference contributions. He has participated in more than 20 European Union funded projects in different fields of nanoscience.
Javier Aizpurua
Javier Aizpurua is a Research Professor at the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and associated to the Donostia International Physics Center DIPC . Aizpurua studies the excitation of localized surface plasmons in metallic particles induced by a variety of external probes, including light. Among others he has developed theory to understand the excitation of surface plasmons in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM), in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM), in Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS), in Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption (SEIRA), or in Scattering-type Near-field Optical Microscopy (s-SNOM), among others. The understanding of the optical response of metallic nanoantennas in all these situations has been the main focus of his research during the last years.
Nassia Athanassiou
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italy)
Athanassia Athanassiou since January 2011 has an appointment as Senior Researcher, responsible for the Smart Materials Group, in the Nanophysics Department of the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia in Genoa. In September 2014 she became Tenured Scientist.
She has graduated in 1996 in Physics at the University of Ioannina in Greece, submitting a thesis on the “Increase of conductivity in polymeric films after irradiation with UV laser light”. In 1997 she got the Master of Science (MSc) in Laser Photonics and Modern Optics from the University of Manchester, Laser Photonics Group, Manchester, UK, submitting a thesis on “Determination of Third Order Non Linear Optic Susceptibilities for Thin Films by Third Harmonic Generation”. In 2000 she became Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at the University of Salford, Laser Photonics and Non-Linear Optics Group, Manchester, UK, in collaboration with the Foundation of Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH), Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL), Crete, Greece, after submitting a thesis on the “Physical Effects in the UV-Laser Ablation of Polymeric Materials: Implications for the Laser Cleaning of Easel Paintings”.
Immediately after the completion of her PhD she got a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (I.E.S.L.), Foundation for Research and Technology–Hellas (FO.R.T.H.) in Heraklion, Crete, Greece, where she became associated researcher from January 2003 till the end of 2005. >From September 2003 to September 2005 she also had an appointment at the Technological University of Crete, School of Applied Technology, Department of Applied Informatics & Multimedia, as Academic Staff/Scientific collaborator.
From January 2006 to December 2011 she was a Senior Researcher at NNL-National Nanotechnology Laboratory, CNR-Istituto di Nanoscienze in Lecce, Italy responsible for the Nanocomposite and Responsive Materials Division. In June 2006 and for two years she got a part time appointment at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia in Genova, Italy, as a scientist responsible for the development and initiation of the Optical Spectroscopy-Microscopy and Material Science lab-facility that at the moment is part of the Nanophysics Department. From September 2009 to September 2012 she was also coordinating the Smart Materials Platform at the Center for Biomolecular Nanotechnologies of IIT@UniLe, Lecce.
Arantxa Ballesteros
ITENE (Spain)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 6: NanoDesk: Advanced web tools to promote the implementation of nanotechnologies and a safe use of nanomaterials in the plastic industry
Arantxa Ballesteros is graduate in Environmental Science By the University of Valencia, with a specialization in Assessment and Management of the Natural Environment. Master in Pollution, Toxicology and Environmental Health, also by the University of Valencia, specializing in Environmental Health.
She has experience in physiochemical, biological and microbiological analysis, in environmental impact assessment, and in toxicity studies. Currently, she is working in the Nanosafety Department in ITENE, performing projects related to the environmental and health safety of nanotechnology.
Maya Bar-Sadan
Ben-Gurion university of the Negev (Israel)
Adolfo Benedito
Dr. Adolfo Benedito-Borrás (M), PhD degree in Chemistry by the University of Valencia, focusing on ABS copolymer degradation and recycling capabilities. Since Mars 2001, he has been working at AIMPLAS as head of the Compounding department until 2009, and currently as Head of the Materials Research Department. He has been the main technical responsible of several EU-research and national projects, as well as author and co-author of several papers, patents and book chapters focused on nanotechnology applied to polymeric materials. During 6 months he was collaborating in PPI (Polymer Processing Institute) at New Jersey (USA) with the professors Xanthos and Ming-Wan Young
Peter Boggild
Technical University of Denmark (Denmark)
Peter Bøggild received his PhD degree at Copenhagen University in 1998 in low temperature quantum physics and moved to Technical University of Denmark to develop metrological methodology and applications based on microscale four point probes. His research interests expanded towards mechatronics, nanomanipulation and robotics, and later carbon nanomaterials. Today his research group is focused on two-dimensional materials and their applications, within electronics and quantum transport (graphene and van der Waals heterostructures), corrosion/barriers, microscopy/defect engineering as well as large scale growth, transfer and metrology of graphene, transmission metal dichalcogenides and hexagonal boron nitride.
Mallika Bohm
Talga Technologies Ltd (UK)
Francesco Bonaccorso
IIT (Italy)
Francesco Bonaccorso gained a PhD from the Department of Physics, University of Messina in Italy after working at the Italian National Research Council, the Engineering Department of Cambridge University (UK) and the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Vanderbilt University (USA). In June 2009 he was awarded a Royal Society Newton International Fellowship at the Engineering Department of Cambridge University, and elected to a Research Fellowship at Hughes Hall, Cambridge. In April 2014 He joined the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Graphene Labs. He was responsible in defining the ten years scientific and technological roadmap for the graphene flagship programme. His research interests encompass solution processing of carbon nanomaterials (such as graphene, nanotubes and nanodiamonds) and inorganic layered materials, their spectroscopic characterization, incorporation into polymer composites and application in solar cells, light emitting devices, lithium-ion batteries and ultrafast lasers.
Paolo Bondavalli
Thales Research & Technology (France)
Dr. Paolo Bondavalli, Msc, PhD, Hdr is the Head of Nanomaterial team at Thales Research and Technology (CNRS/Thales, UMR137) and he is a member of the Nanocarb Lab. (joint team Ecole Polytechnique/Thales). His research has principally dealt with carbon nanotubes gas sensors and silicon nanowires for biological detection. In the last two years, he is the first author of several scientific papers (see refs in project) dealing with CNTFET based sensors, supercapacitors and of 6 patents dealing with gas sensors, thermal management through CNTs, nanomaterials deposition, supercapacitors and memristor-like structures. Presently his work is focused on the development of new materials (e.g. graphene, cnts, nanowires) for the new generation of electronics devices and for energy storage applications and memristor. Dr Bondavalli has received his Hdr in 2011, at Paris-Sud on a work on "devices based on random network of carbon nanotubes". He is EU expert, and Vice-Chairman, for Marie Curie Fellowships (EIF, IIF, OIF, CIG, IRSES), NMP and ICT panel, for the French National Research Agency (ANR), EDA, Eureka and reviewer for IOP, ACS, IEEE, ECS, Elsevier, EPJ B, Bentham, Taylor & Francis... During the last five years, he has participated, also as coordinator, in several EU projects (concerning MEMS, MOEMS, CNTs, graphene, spintronics) and ANR projects. He is involved in the Graphene Flagship initiative (Energy and High-frequency WPs).
Bojan Boskovic
Cambridge Nanomaterials Technology (UK)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 4: Showcasing industrial multi-sectorial applications of pilot infrastructures for the development of new nano-enabled materials and components
Dr Bojan Boskovic is a founder and a CEO of the Cambridge Nanomaterials Technology Ltd a consultancy company specialised in innovation management, technology strategy and IP development related to nanomaterials. He has more than 20 years of management and hands-on scientific research, technology development and commercialisation experience with carbon nanomaterials and composites from industry and academia in Europe. He was a R&D Manager at Nanocyl, one of leading carbon nanotube manufacturing companies in Europe. He also worked on carbon nanotube synthesis and applications as a Principal Engineer at Meggitt Aircraft Braking Systems, as a Research Associate at the University of Cambridge, and as a Senior Specialist at Morgan Advanced Materials. Dr Boskovic has been leading exploitation, dissemination and innovation management activities in a number of European Commission (EC) and UK Government funded collaborative R&D projects. He also worked as the EC advisor for engineering and upscaling related project clustering helping to setup and develop the European Pilot Production Network (EPPN) and European Materials Characterisation Council (EMMC). Dr Boskovic a leader of a private Nano-Carbon Enhanced Materials Consortium (NCEM) with members from prominent multinational companies and research institutions such as Airbus, Rolls-Royce, ArcelorMittal, Johnson Matthey, NISSAN, Prysmian, Whirlpool and Tecnalia
Mads Brandbydge
Technical University Denmark (Denmark)
My research is centered around electronic and thermal transport in nanosystems based on atomistic modelling using quantum mechanical computer simulation tools. The systems include molecular-scale contacts, carbon nanotubes, graphene, and nanowires. The computational methodology and tools are also developed in my group.
Inmaculada Cabrera
CDTI (Spain)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 2: Funding NANO to Market and Society
Daniele Cangialosi
Remi Carminati
Langevin Institute - ESPCI (France)
Dr. Rémi Carminati received is PhD in Optical Physics in 1996 from Ecole Centrale Paris (advisor Prof. J.J. Greffet). In 1996-1997 he was a post-doctoral fellow at the Madrid Institute of Material Science (Spain) in the group of Prof. M. Nieto-Vesperinas. From 1997 to 2007, he was an associate professor (1997-2003) and a professor (2003-2007) at Ecole Centrale Paris (France). In 2007, he moved to ESPCI ParisTech where he is currently a Professor of Physics and the Associate Director of the Langevin Institute (http://www.institut-langevin.espci.fr), where he leads the group of Mesoscopic and Theoretical Optics. His theoretical works have covered the fields of nanophotonics, plasmonics and light scattering in disordered media, in close connection with experimentalists. Rémi Carminati received the Fabry-de-Gramont prize of the French Optical Society in 2006 and the Research award from the iXCore Research Foundation in 2009. He was elected a Fellow of the Optical Society of America in 2015. He has published 110 papers in international journals, contributed to 10 books and given about 100 invited talks.
Felix Casanova
NanoGune (Spain)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 3: Nanofabrication with RAITH EBL and FIB equipment
Felix Casanova is an Ikerbasque Research Professor at CIC nanoGUNE (San Sebastian, Spain) since 2009. He is the coleader of the Nanodevices Group, devoted to the electronic properties of systems in reduced dimensions. His current research interests are focused on spin-dependent phenomena (including spin transport and spin-orbit effects) in metals, insulators, organics and novel two-dimensional materials.He is currently Editorial Board member of Physical Review Applied, published by the APS.
Antonio Castro-Neto
NUS (Singapore)
Professor A. H. Castro Neto got his Ph.D. in Physics at University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign in 1994. In 1994, he moved to the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of California at Santa Barbara as a postdoctoral fellow. In 1995, he became an Assistant Professor at University of California at Riverside. In 2000, he moved to Boston University as Professor of Physics. At Boston, Prof. Castro Neto became one of the leading theorists in the study of graphene. In 2010, Prof. Castro Neto became the Director of the Graphene Research Center and Distinguished Professor at the National University of Singapore . In 2003, Prof. Castro Neto was elected a fellow of the American Physical Society. He is the colloquia Editor for Reviews of Modern Physics, and co-editor for Europhysics Letters. Prof. Castro Neto was awarded the 11th Ross J. Martin Award by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the University of California Regent Fellowship, the Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, the visiting Miller Professorship by the University of California, Berkeley, the visiting Gordon Godfrey Professorship by the University of New South Wales, Australia, and the Distinguished Visiting Chair Professor at the SKKU Advanced Institute of Nano-Technology (SAINT), South Korea. Prof. Castro Neto has authored more than 200 manuscripts and has published in prestigious journals including Science, Nature Materials, Nature Physics, and Physical Review Letters, and has over 12,000 citations. Prof. Castro Neto has given more than 200 seminars worldwide.
Liraz Chai
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)
Ph.D., 2007, The Weizmann Institute of Science.
B.Sc., 1998, Tel Aviv University.
Research Focus: Biofilms are communities of microbial cells that grow on natural and synthetic surfaces. They may be beneficial, for example when protecting plant roots from pathogens. However, in most cases they are related with disease; when they develop on catheters or in the lungs of Cystic Fibrosis patients they most likely lead to death. Irrespective of whether biofilms are beneficial or detrimental to the host, their extracellular matrix is critical to their development and survival. The extracellular matrix is a mesh of biopolymers, mainly polysaccharides, proteins and nucleic acids that connects the biofilm’s cells together. It is also related with an increased resistance of biofilms to antibiotics relative to single cells. Indeed, there has been an immense progress in the study of biofilms’ extracellular matrix from a genetic perspective yet a molecular understanding of the formation, the chemical and the physical properties of this complex 3D network from its components is still lacking. We study the basic interactions between the biopolymers in the matrix and their interaction with cells. Our model organism for biofilm formation is the soil bacterium, Gram positive Bacillus subtilis (figure 1, shown on an agar plate). A Scanning electron view of a thin section in a B. subtilis biofilm is shown in figure 2, exposing the extracellular material that interconnects the cells.
Marc Chaigneau
HORIBA Scientific (France)
Oversee development, applications, worldwide marketing and sales of Raman spectroscopy products coupled with Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) for Tip Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS).
Survey new technologies and suggest ideas for new developments that could give us an edge on the market.
Support Sales teams worldwide. Evaluate client special requirements feasibility, cost and time frame with R&D in our French and US offices.
Business development including marketing, web advertising and sales.
Development of technical documents to help Sales People quote, calculate specifications, answer bid requests etc...
Jean-Christophe Charlier
UCL (Belgium)
Jean-Christophe Charlieris Full Professor at the Universityof Louvain(UCL) in Belgium. He is Physics Engineer and Bachelor in Philosophy and got his PhD thesis in Applied Physics in 1994 at UCL.Prof. J.-C. Charlier is in charge of several lectures at UCL (Statistical Physics, Quantum Physics, Materials Science, Physics of Nanostructures, Atomistic Simulations, Quantum Transport in Nano-materials). The main scientific interests of Prof. J.-C. Charlier are centered on theoretical condensed matter physics and nanosciences,covering the areas of: electronic and structural properties of crystalsand reduced-dimensional solids; nanotubes, graphene and related carbon-based nanostructures; quantum transport through single molecules and other nanosystems. The objective is to explain and predict the properties of materials using first-principles theories and computational physics. He is author (or co-author) of about 150 scientific publications in high-impact peer-reviewed journals. In collaboration with two other colleagues, he wrote a book entitled “Introducing Graphene-based nanomaterials : from electronic structure to quantum transport” that was published by Cambridge University Press in 2014.
Iñigo Charola
Graphenea (Spain)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 7: "Graphene and 2D Materials" EUREKA Cluster
Iñigo Charola joined Graphenea as Business Development Director in September 2013. He has an extensive experience in industrial related products at marketing and sales positions. 15 years ago he started his career at ASSA ABLOY, a global leader in security products, then as Sales and Marketing Director at an industrial processes private company. Before joining Graphenea he is been working in the Electronic Manufacturing Services industry as a Sales Director. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from University of Wales, a Master in Marketing and Sales Management from ESIC Business & Marketing School and an Executive MBA from Deusto Business School.
Karl S. Coleman
Durham University (UK)
Karl graduated with a chemistry degree from Leicester University, held an individual Marie Curie Research Fellowship in Strasbourg, France then a Royal Society University Research Fellowship in Chemistry at the University of Oxford. He joined Durham Chemistry in 2004 and was promoted to a Reader in 2008 and Chair in 2012. Karl has held a number of leadership roles including Director of Research in the Chemistry Department. Karl’s research is focussed on nanomaterials in particular the chemistry of carbon nanotubes and graphene. His work has been recognised with numerous awards, including the international Royal Society of Chemistry Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2011 for his work on graphene, the Times Higher Education Research and Innovation Award 2012 and more recently the Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 Materials for Industry – Derek Birchall Award. He is the chairman of the Chemical Nanosciences and Nanotechnology subject group of the Royal Society of Chemistry and sits on a Programme Expert Group for the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy as part of the National Measurement System. Karl established the successful Durham University spinout company Applied Graphene Materials in 2010, which is now listed on the FTSE AIM index.
Avelino Corma
ITQ – CSIC / UPV (Spain)
Avelino Corma (Moncofar Castellón, Spain 1951), Professor at the Instituto de Tecnología Química (CSIC-Polytechnical University of Valencia), has been carrying out research in heterogeneous catalysis in academia and in collaboration with companies for nearly 30 years. He has worked on fundamental aspects of acid-base and redox catalysis with the aim of understanding the nature of the active sites, and reaction mechanisms. With these bases have developed catalysts that are being used commercially in several industrial processes. He is an internationally recognized expert in solid acid and bifunctional catalysts for oil refining, petrochemistry and chemical process, especially in the synthesis and application of zeolite catalysts. He has published more than 900 research papers, and inventor on more than 100 patents. Corma earned his BS in Chemistry at Valencia University, PhD at Madrid under direction of Prof. Antonio Cortes, and spent two years postdoc at Queen´s University. He has received the Ciapetta and Houdry Awards of the North American Catalysis Society, the F. Gault Award of the European Catalysis Society, the M. Boudart Award on Catalysis by the North American and European Catalysis Societies, the G. J. Somorjai ACS Award on Creative Catalysis, the Breck Award of the International Zeolite Association, the National Award of Science and technology of Spain, the ENI Award on Hydrocarbon Chemistry, the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry Centenary Prize, Rhodia Pierre-Gilles de Gennes Prize for Science and Industry and Gold Medal for the Chemistry Research Career 2001-2010 in Spain, La Grande Médaille de l’Académie des sciences de France 2011 and Honour Medal to the Invention from the Fundación García Cabrerizo in Spain 2012. Avelino Corma was conferred with the Honoris Causa by the Utrecht University, the UNED, the Technische Universität München, the University of Jaime I de Castellón, the University of Valencia, the University of Bochum, the University of Alicante, the University of Ottawa and Delf University of Technology. He is member of the Royal Academy of Engineering of Spain, European Academy, the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of Spain, the National Academy of Engineering (USA) and Fellow of the Royal Society of United Kingdom.
Antonio Correia
Phantoms Foundation (Spain)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 7: "Graphene and 2D Materials" EUREKA Cluster
Antonio Correia is the founder and President of the Phantoms Foundation & Doctor in Physics (Université Paris 7, France). Has worked in France at the CNRS and the CSIC in Spain, both national research institutes.
Currently, he is president of the Phantoms Foundation, a non-profit organization created in November 2002 in Madrid, and serves also as the Coordinator of the Eureka Cluster on Graphene and 2D materials, nanoSpain and M4nano (nano for modelling) networks and of the nanotechnology plan for ICEX (Spain Trade & Investment). Has been involved in more than 15 EU funded projects and author of more than 60 publications and book chapters. He serves also as a Chairman of major conferences in Graphene Worldwide.
Juan Carlos Cuevas Rodriguez
UAM (Spain)
Associate professor ("Profesor Titular") of the Department of Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain).
Mª Pilar de Miguel
CDTI (Spain)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 7: "Graphene and 2D Materials" EUREKA Cluster
Mª Pilar de Miguel
CDTI (Spain)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 2: Funding NANO to Market and Society
Mihaela Delcea
University of Greifswald (Germany)
Professor of Biophysical Chemistry at Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald.
Expertise in polymers and polymeric microcapsules, nanoparticles and nanotechnology, drug delivery and release, biomaterials for intracellular delivery, and biophysics of antibody-mediated cardiovascular diseases.
Camila Delpivo
LEITAT (Spain)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 5: Safe by Design Implementation: Industrial experiences from European Initiatives
Jannick Duchet-Rumeau
She is the head of a national research network on Polymers and Ionic Liquids. She is author of 86 papers in international journals, 5 book chapters and 100 communications in international conferences. She has supervised 30 PhD students. Her research topics are related to i) Processing of nanocomposites materials, ii) Processing of mesoporous materials with the use of carbon dioxide in supercritical medium as a foaming agent; iii) Processing of self assembled materials onto inorganic surfaces with the use of phase separation phenomena in polymer blends and of self organization phenomena (nanolithography, optical properties, etc.); iv) Processing of nanomaterials from Ionic Liquids, v) Tailoring of interfaces/interphases in the heterogeneous materials : polymer blends and fiber based composites.
Alain Dufresne
Grenoble INP-Pagora (France)
Alain Dufresne received his Ph.D. in 1991 from INSA Toulouse (Electronics) and was then Post-doc at Polytechnique Montreal, and Lecturer at INSA Lyon. He was appointed Associate Professor in 1993, and then Professor in 2001, at Grenoble University. He is since 2003 Professor at Grenoble INP. He was visiting Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and Embrapa Fortaleza (Brazil), and at the National University of Malaysia (UKM). Dufresne is an expert on polysaccharide nanofibrils and nanocrystals (cellulose, chitin, starch), on processing and characterization of nanocomposites based on renewable resources. He is, at the same time, member of the Editorial Board of "Carbohydrate Polymers", "ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering", "Packaging Research", "Fibers", "Materials Research Ibero-American Journal of Materials" and "Journal of the Korean Wood Science". He is Associated Editor of "Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia", published by the Brazilian Association of Polymers. He has published +250 peer-reviewed papers. He received the 2016 International Nanotechnology Division Award and FiberLean® Technologies Prize awarded by the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI) and is in the 2016 top 300 most cited researchers in materials science and engineering/Elsevier Scopus Data. He wrote a book entitled "Nanocellulose: from nature to high performance tailored materials" that was published by De Gruyter in 2012 (the second edition was published in 2017).
Pedro Miguel Echenique
DIPC (Spain)
Pedro Miguel Etxenike Landiribar, also known as Pedro Miguel Echenique (born 8 June 1950, Isaba, Navarre), is a scientist specialising in Solid State Physics. In 1998, he was awarded the Max Planck Prize for Physics and that same year he received the Príncipe de Asturias Prize for Scientific and Technical Research for his discoveries in the theoretical prediction of surface image electronic states on solids. He has also made important contributions in the field of ion-matter interactions and electron energy losses in tunnelling electron microscopy. He was the first Minister of the Department of Education of the Government of the Basque Autonomous Community between 1980 and 1983, and Minister of the Department of Education and Culture and spokesperson of the Government of the Basque Autonomous Community between 1983 and 1984. Today, he is Professor of Condensed Matter Physics at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Chairman of the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC). He was designated Universal Basque in 1998, is a foreign member of the Royal Academy of Science, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium, and also a Fellow of the American Physical Society and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is Honorary Chairman of Jakiunde, the Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters of the Basque Country, and since 2012 has chaired the panel of judges in the Príncipe de Asturias Prize for Scientific and Technical Research.
Cristina Elizetxea
Industrial Forum - SESSION 4: Showcasing industrial multi-sectorial applications of pilot infrastructures for the development of new nano-enabled materials and components
Ahmed Elmarakbi
University of Sunderland (UK)
I obtained my PhD in Mechanical Engineering from University of Toronto, Canada in September 2004. After three years as a NSERC/JSPS fellow in Canada and Japan, I moved to the University of Sunderland in 2007, where I am currently Professor of Automotive Composites. I am also a Visiting Professor of Vehicle Lightweighting at Hunan University.
My research interests lie in the area of energy-efficient and safe vehicles (EESVs) including: lightweight materials and structures, advanced composite materials, graphene related materials, multi-functional materials, modelling and design, energy conversion and storage systems and impact and crashworthiness analysis. My work outcomes are recognised both nationally and internationally as evident from over 90 plenary lectures, invited talks, keynotes and presentations; over 150 peer-reviewed research papers and patents. Most recently, I have published the book: A. Elmarakbi (2013) “Advanced Composite Materials for Automotive Applications: Structural Integrity and Crashworthiness”, Wiley, UK.
Xinliang Feng
TU-Dresden (Germany)
Xinliang Feng received his Bachelor’s degree in analytic chemistry in 2001 and Master’s degree in organic chemistry in 2004. Then he joined Prof. Klaus Müllen's group at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research for PhD thesis, where he obtained his PhD degree in April 2008. In December 2007 he was appointed as a group leader at the Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research and in 2012 he became a distinguished group leader at the Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research. His current scientific interests include graphene, two-dimensional nanomaterials, organic conjugated materials, and carbon-rich molecules and materials for electronic and energy-related applications. He has published more than 330 research articles which have attracted more than 19000 citations with H-index of 68. He has been awarded several prestigious prizes such as IUPAC Prize for Young Chemists (2009), Finalist of 3rd European Young Chemist Award, European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant Award (2012), Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship Award (2013), ChemComm Emerging Investigator Lectureship (2014), Highly Cited Researcher (Thomson Reuters, 2014, 2015 and 2016), Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC, 2014). He is an Advisory Board Member for Advanced Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, ChemNanoMat, Energy Storage Materials, Small Methods and Chemistry -An Asian Journal. He is also one of the Deputy Leaders for European communitys pilot project Graphene Flagship, Head of ESF Young Research Group "Graphene Center Dresden", and Working Package Leader of WP Functional Foams & Coatings of GRAPHENE FLAGSHIP.
Francisco José Fernández-Carretero
Tecnalia (Spain)
Doctor in Chemical Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica of Valencia. Since 2008 he works as a researcher at Tecnalia (former Inasmet) at the Materials and Processes Area, specializing in the development of materials for energy storage applications. His current research interest are mainly post-lithium batteries (solid state, thin film, lithium-sulfur, etc). He has been the technical responsible of many research projects related with materials development.
Joaquín Fernández-Rossier
INL (Portugal)
Joaquín Fernández-Rossier is currently the leader of the Group of Theory of Quantum Nanostructures. He holds both a Diploma (1994) and a PhD (1999) on Physics from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He spent 2 years (99-01) as a postdoctoral researcher at the Physics Department of the University of California San Diego and 18 months (01-03) at the Physics Department of the University of Texas at Austin. In 2003 he obtained a Ramon y Cajal assistant professor position in the Universidad de Alicante and he was promoted to a permanent position in 2008 and to an associate professor (professor titular) in 2009. He is a condensed matter theorist with interest in quantum pheonomena at the atomic scale, quantum materials and quantum technologies He has published more than 105 indexed research papers, including Nature (1), Nature Materials (2), Nature Nanotechnology (2), Nano Letters (2) , 2D Materials (2), Phys. Rev. X (1), Phys. Rev. Lett. (17) , Phys. Rev. B(46), cited more than 3100 times (h=30, WOS). He has graduated 4 PhD students.
Andrea Ferrari
Cambridge Graphene Centre, University of Cambridge (UK)
Andrea C. Ferrari earned a PhD in electrical engineering from Cambridge University, after a Laurea in nuclear engineering from Politecnico di Milano, Italy. He is Professor of Nanotechnology and the Director of the Cambridge Graphene Centre and of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Graphene Technology. He is Fellow of Pembroke College, the American Physical Society, the Institute of Physics and the Materials Research Society. His research interests include nanomaterials growth, modelling, characterization, and devices. He was awarded the Royal Society Brian Mercer Award for Innovation, the Marie Curie Excellence Award, the Philip Leverhulme Prize, The EU-40 Materials Prize, The Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award. He is also the Chairman of the Executive Board of the EU Graphene Flagship.
Oleg Figovsky
Polymate Ltd. (Israel)
Prof. Oleg Figovsky was the founder and R&D the Polymate Ltd. - International Nanotechnology Research Centre where he is working on research in nanostructured corrosion-resistant composite materials and protective coatings based on a polymer and silicate matrix. Novel nanotechnologies invented by Prof. O. Figovsky were the basis for establishing industrial production in the US, Canada, China, Mexico, Russia and Israel.

He is a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Head of the UNESCO Chair "Green Chemistry". For his inventions in nanotechnologies he was awarded gold and silver medals at IENA-98 and Gold Angel Prize at the Genius 2006 exhibition.

Prof. Oleg Figovsky has authored of a few books, more than 300 scientific articles and 500 patents.
Carlos Fito
ITENE (Spain)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 6: NanoDesk: Advanced web tools to promote the implementation of nanotechnologies and a safe use of nanomaterials in the plastic industry
Sonia Florez
Industrial Forum - SESSION 4: Showcasing industrial multi-sectorial applications of pilot infrastructures for the development of new nano-enabled materials and components
Marta Fortea
University of Vienna (Austria)
Costas Galiotis
FORTH/ ICE-HT and University of Patras (Greece)
Costas Galiotis is the Principal Investigator (PI) of the ERC Advanced – Tailoring Graphene project. He is a Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering (Univ. of Patras) and former Director of the Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences (ICE-HT) which is one of the 7 academic research institutions of the Foundation of Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH). In its over 26 years of operation FORTH/ ICE-HT has developed into a world-leading centre for the advancement of high quality scientific knowledge in the fields of material science and in the computer aided design and simulation of new materials and processes. It comprises of approximately 150 personnel and has a running yearly budget of 5 M€. Prof. Galiotis is also a member of the Board of Directors of FORTH (since July 2007). FORTH has been ranked as the first Research Centre in the field domain in Greece in 3 successive evaluations. Prof. Galiotis had an auspicious term of office as Director of the Institute in the years 2009-2014. Being also the coordinator of the Hellenic participation and national representative of “Graphene” he contributed in establishing the Graphene Center by joining the research forces of three FORTH institutes, ICE-HT, IESL and ICAM. Despite the Country's intense economic situation he expanded the Institute by literally setting the foundations to the Institute's new modern building that will house research laboratories.
Alberto Garcia Luis
Tecnalia (Spain)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 7: "Graphene and 2D Materials" EUREKA Cluster
Mr. Alberto García-Luis is graduate in Chemistry by the Basque Country University (UPV), Spain in 1986. He started working in INASMET, in 1980 in the Surface Engineering Department. From 2005 he was the head of the Materials and Components Department of the Energy Unit of INASMET. From 2011 he is leading the group of Materials for Energy Storage of TECNALIA. With experience in the field of surface engineering and energy conversion devices (fuel cells, batteries, electrolysers). Coordinator of several national and European projects. Author of several scientific journal articles and patents.
Francisco J. Garcia Vidal
UAM (Spain)
Francisco J. Garcia-Vidal is a scientific group leader and full professor at the Condensed Matter theory group of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Garcia-Vidal received his master's degree in Physics (1988) and his Ph.D. degree in Physics (1992) from the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. From 1994 to 1996 he was a post-doctoral staff researcher at the Imperial College of London, working in the group of Prof. Sir John Pendry, where he began to work in the field of Plasmonics. Since 1997 he has been associated with the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, first as an associate professor and since December 2007 as a full professor. He is also the founding and current director of the Condensed Matter Physics Center (IFIMAC).
Garcia-Vidal and his group have worked in different areas within Plasmonics and Metamaterials such as: Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering, theoretical explanation of the phenomenon of extraordinary transmission of light through subwavelength apertures, development of the concept of spoof surface plasmons and, more recently, Quantum Plasmonics.
Aran García-Lekue
DIPC (Spain)
Aran Garcia-Lekue is currently an Ikerbasque Research Fellow at Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC). Her research line is focused on the simulation of electron transport at the nanoscale, and on the theoretical investigation of electron processes at nanostructured surfaces. In the last years, she has been very active in the study of electronic and transport properties of graphenic nanostructures. She received his PhD degree in Physics from the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (Spain). After finishing her Ph.D, she held postdoctoral positions at the Surface Science Research Center (SSRC) of the University of Liverpool (UK) and at the Berkeley National Laboratory (US). She joined DIPC as a Gipuzkoa Research Fellow Gipuzkoa in 2007, and became an Ikerbasque Research Fellow in 2012.
Mónica García-Mota
SIMUNE (Spain)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 8: SIESTA: profesional open source code ready for industry
Julio Gomez
Avanzare (Spain)
Julio Gomez is the Founder of AVANZARE, company producer of graphene and other 2D materials and its composites, receiving the National Award Entrepreneur of the year 2008 in Spain. AVANZARE is also the European company with largest EBITDA, 1,5 millions of €, in graphene sector. He received his B.S. degree in Chemistry from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1995) receiving the best B.S. degree in Chemistry in 1995 award in the University Complutense de Madrid.Ph.D. in Chemistry (2000) from University of La Rioja where he studied the preparation and electrical and optical properties of nanosize metallic clusters, best PhD degree in Science and Technology award in the University of La Rioja from the years 1999-2000, and a postdoctoral researcher position in the Laboratoire de Synthèse Organique, University of Nantes-CNRS. After finishing his Ph.D, he spent 3 years as assistant Professor in Universidad de La Rioja and 2 years as an Area Manager in the research centre CIDETEC studying electrochemical systems before founding AVANZARE at the end of 2004. He has also received the best product award NANOAWARDS 2008 (USA), F&S best practices award in innovation 2013 (UK) and finalist of the National Awards in Excelence omong others. Author of 54 papers H-index 23, 12 patents. He is also member of the Social Council of La Rioja University elected by the Regional Parliament, President of the Innovation Commetee of the Camber of commerce, member of the Executive board of the Camber of Commerce from La Rioja
Pedro Gomez-Romero
ICN2 (Spain)
Prof. Pedro Gómez-Romero completed his undergraduate and Master’s degrees at the Universitat de València, before going on to earn his PhD with Distinction in Chemistry at Georgetown University (USA) in 1987. A CSIC Researcher since 1990, he worked at the Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB) from 1990 to 2007. He spent a sabbatical year as a NATO Senior Research Fellow at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (USA, 1998-99). He became a CSIC Full Research Professor in 2006 and was group leader of the NEO-Energy laboratory at the former CIN2 (CSIC) from 2007 to 2013, now forming part of the ICN2. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. As group leader of the ICN2 Novel Energy-Oriented Materials Group, he heads projects on hybrid organic-inorganic nanostructures, nanocomposite materials for energy storage and conversion (lithium batteries, supercapacitors, flow cells, solar-thermal energy, nanofluids, graphene). He was vice-director of MATGAS from 2010 to 2014. Prof. Pedro Gómez-Romero is the author of more than 200 scientific publications in international refereed journals.
Nieves González
CDTI (Spain)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 2: Funding NANO to Market and Society
Stijn Goossens
ICFO (Spain)
Stijn Goossens has been working in graphene research for more than nine years. During his PhD at the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience (University of Delft, The Netherlands) he used advanced nanofabrication tools to build devices to study single electron transport in graphene. In 2013 he moved to the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO, Barcelona, Spain) where he leads an incubation project that develops a new light detection technology based on graphene and colloidal quantum dots. His team of graphene experts already realized a flexible and transparent heart rate sensor and a graphene based broadband image sensor that is compatible with CMOS fabrication techniques.
Jean-Jacques Greffet
Institut d'Optique Graduate School (France)
Jean-Jacques Greffet is an alumni of Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (1979-82). He obtained a PhD from university Paris-Sud Orsay in 1988 in solid state physics and the Habilitation in 1992. Jean-Jacques Greffet was a professor at Ecole Centrale Paris between 1994 and 2008. He is currently professor at Institut d’Optique, Université Paris Sud and a senior member of Institut Universitaire de France. He has made a number of contributions in light scattering by random systems. Between 1994 and 2005, he worked on the theory of image formation in near-field optics. Since 1998, he made a number of contributions in the field of thermal radiation at the nanoscale including the demonstration of coherent thermal sources and the giant radiative heat transfer at the nanoscale. His current research interests include nanophotonics (nanoantennas, quantum plasmonics) and the design of smart IR incandescent sources. He has coauthored 170 refereed papers with more than 6000 citations. He is an OSA fellow and the recipient of the Ixcore foundation prize and the Servant prize of the french Academy of Science
Elad Gross
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)
Senior Lecturer, Institute of Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Ph.D., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Research Focus: Heterogeneous catalysis is an essential technology for the formation of environmentally friendly, alternative feedstock. We are a multidisciplinary group aims at elucidating the mechanisms that governs catalytic processes in order to prepare highly controllable catalysts suited for energy-needs of the 21st century society. To uncover the full potential of heterogeneous catalysis for energy applications, we employ a bottom-up approach in which we design the properties of catalysts in order to activate designated bonds within a reactant molecule. Structure-reactivity correlations within the catalytic systems are analyzed with advanced in-situ spectroscopy in order to unfold the dynamic processes that shape the catalytic reaction.
Albert Guerrero
Industrial Forum - SESSION 3: Nanofabrication with RAITH EBL and FIB equipment
After finishing the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology degree at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, applied to Garantía Juvenil program driven by MINECO to start working at IMB-CNM facilities. Once there started to work as a clean room technician in the nanolithography laboratory. Main activities performed there as a technician are SEM characterization, using SEM 1530 LEO and AURIGA (Carl Zeiss), AFM characterization, using Veeco Dimension 3100 Nanoscope IV (Bruker) and resist deposition by spin coating of PMMA or HSQ for low voltage and low energy EBL (Raith150TWO) micro and nanofabrication.
Angel Hernan
Industrial Forum - SESSION 4: Showcasing industrial multi-sectorial applications of pilot infrastructures for the development of new nano-enabled materials and components
Angel Hernan is Industrial Engineer by the Basque Country University (UPV), Spain in 1995. He has worked as project manager engineer in the industrial engineering company SISTEPLANT, as industrialization engineer in ERICSSON, as plant manager in INSERTEC, and actually he works at SISTEPLANT as technical manager. Angel is the main investigator of SISTEPLANT at PLATFORM project, developing a new industrialized process to manufacture buckypapers in a continuous way, and at IZADI project proposing process solutions for different pilots to manufacture Nano Enabled Products. He also participates in other nanotechnology projects (PACNANO, TQMNANO, I.NANO and others) designing processes to increase their TRL.
Cecilia Hernández
CDTI (Spain)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 2: Funding NANO to Market and Society
Ariel Ismach
Tel Aviv University (Israel)
Academic Rank: Senior Lecturer
Ph.D. Chemistry–Department of Materials and Interfaces, Weizmann Institute, 2008.
M.Sc. Chemistry–Department of Materials and Interfaces, Weizmann Institute, 2003.
B.Sc. Materials Engineering – Ben Gurion University, 200
Maria Jadraque
PONS IP (Spain)
Dr. María Jadraque got the European Doctor degree in Physical Chemistry from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2007) carrying her PhD at the Laser Chemistry Department of the Institute of Physical Chemistry “Rocasolano”, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas CSIC, Spain. Graduated in the field of lasers and their analytical applications for the detection of volatile and nanometric particles, she has also an intresting background on computational methods used to the study of structure determination and properties of molecules. Has applied the studies to several areas of contemporary interest such as Materials Science, particularly to the micro- and the nanofabrication of semiconductors, oxides and polymer/inorganic composites using processing techniques based on irradiation and ablation with pulsed lasers.
Immediately after the completion of her PhD she got a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (I.E.S.L.), Foundation for Research and Technology–Hellas (FO.R.T.H.) in Heraklion, Crete, Greece, were spend almost two years. She also worked on areas related to Materials Science and Biomaterials as Postdoctoral researcher as JAE postdoctoral researcher at CSIC (from end of 2009 to 2012), period that included a short stay at the Siberian Branch-Russian Academia of Science (Russia).
She has published papers in peer-reviewed journals such as Biomaterials (cover page), Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry, J. Phys. Chem. A&C., Journal of Computational Chemistry, Chem. Phys. Lett., J. Appl. Phys., Appl. Phys. A&B, Appl. Surf. Sci. y Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, and has presented her results at well-recognized international conferences.
She joined PONS IP in 2012, close before finishing the basic training course on European Patent law organized by the Centre for International Intellectual Property studies, Strasbourg. Her role in PONS IP mainly relates to preparing patentability, infringement and freedom-to-operate opinions and drafting and prosecuting European, Spanish and International patent applications, as well as to provide IP strategy. Furthermore, she promotes Patent protection of nanotechnology related inventions by participating in Conferences as speaker. In 2014, she was invited speaker at "Trends in Nanotechnology", Barcelona.
Maria Jorda Beneyto
ITENE (Spain)
Instituto Tecnológico del Embalaje, Transporte y Logística (ITENE), Spain.
Chemical Engineer (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia) and PhD in Material Science (Universidad de Alicante). Maria Works as a project manager leading R&D projects based on the development of nanomaterials, and nanoadditives for packaging applications. Our research group is devoted to the development of new materials with functional properties in the packaging field. Our background is the development of nanoadditives, and the surface functionalization for the proper compatibilization with the polymeric matrix. Our characterization lab is focused in the validation of the developed packaging, and also in the evaluation of the food contact approval of nanocomposites (EFSA, FDA, ..)
Priscila Kosaka
Priscila Monteiro Kosaka – Chemistry by the University of Brasilia (Brasil). PhD in Chemistry by the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil). Currently working as a ComFuturo researcher at the Bionanomechanics Lab in IMN-CSIC (Spain). Working in bionanotechnology with the goal of developing diagnostic tools for early detection of cancer and other fatal diseases. I strongly believe that merging nanomechanical systems with other promising nanotechnologies, in particular nanooptics, can provide ultrasensitive and highly reliable diagnostic tools ready for clinical trials.
Alexander Kotlyar
Tel Aviv University (Israel)
Alexander Kotlyar is currently a professor of Biochemistry at Tel Aviv University. His fields of expertise are biochemistry, enzymology, electron transfer in DNA and proteins, nanotechnology, time resolved spectroscopy and DNA synthesis. His major current research interests focus around the DNA-based molecules and biomedical applications of plasmonic nanostructures. He and members of his group at Tel Aviv University developed a novel methods for enzymatic synthesis of long (hundreds of nanometers) non-canonical DNA structures and conjugates of the DNA molecules with gold and silver nanoparticles. He also synthesized conjugates between gold nanoparticles and DARPins (designed ankyril repeat proteins) - antibody mimetic proteins that specifically target receptors overexpressed in cancer cells and demonstrated selective killing of the cells by conjugates by the conjugates.
Peter Koval
DIPC (Spain)
I am the Guipuzcoa Fellow at Donostia International Physics Center, Spain. My research is focused on the development of ab-initio methods in condensed matter physics. The development is devoted to the improvement of accuracy and computational performance of the density-functional methods for (electronic and phononic) excited states. I believe the best strategy to improve the computational performance of the electronic structure method is in using the localized basis functions, while the accuracy of the methods can be improved by using the Fock-like exchange operators. The progress in the developments allows for using the simpler semi-local functionals within time-dependent density functional theory for such demanding systems as metallic clusters containing thousands of atoms. Moreover, the more accurate methods relying on Fock-like exchange operators can be applied to systems containing hundreds of atoms.
Peter Koval
DIPC (Spain)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 8: SIESTA: profesional open source code ready for industry
I am the Guipuzcoa Fellow at Donostia International Physics Center, Spain. My research is focused on the development of ab-initio methods in condensed matter physics. The development is devoted to the improvement of accuracy and computational performance of the density-functional methods for (electronic and phononic) excited states. I believe the best strategy to improve the computational performance of the electronic structure method is in using the localized basis functions, while the accuracy of the methods can be improved by using the Fock-like exchange operators. The progress in the developments allows for using the simpler semi-local functionals within time-dependent density functional theory for such demanding systems as metallic clusters containing thousands of atoms. Moreover, the more accurate methods relying on Fock-like exchange operators can be applied to systems containing hundreds of atoms.
Yogendra Kumar Mishra
Kiel University (Germany)
PD Dr. habil. Yogendra Kumar Mishra is leading a group with the focus on ‘3D Hybrid Nanomaterials’ at Functional Nanomaterials (FUN) Chair, Institute for Material Science, Kiel University, Kiel, Germany. He received Ph. D. in Condensed Matter Physics (Plasmonics) in 2008 from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and then migrated to Kiel as Alexander von Humboldt Fellow and since then has been working at FUN Chair. In 2015, he finished his Habilitation (Priv.- Doz./Venia Legendi) degree in Materials Science from Kiel University. During his research period in Kiel, he introduced a new fabrication technique, the ‘Flame Transport Synthesis Approach', which allows versatile nanostructuring of metal oxides and their 3D interconnected networks as ‘Flexible Ceramic Materials’. The introduced tetrapodal 3D shaped ZnO nanostructures by him have found lots of application scopes in engineering and biomedical fields. Also the sacrificial nature of ZnO enables tetrapods to be used as templates for the growth of hollow tetrapodal structures from other new materials, like Carbon-Aerographite, Si, GaN, h-BN, etc. which offered wide range of multifunctional applications. The recent invited review in Materials Today (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1369702117304443) by him gives a glimpse about the research and application opportunities with ZnO Tetrapods. He is also advising the startup company, Phi-Stone AG (http://www.phi-stone.de/) Kiel which is dealing with commercial applications of flame made ZnO tetrapods.
Dr. Mishra, has published more than 100 papers including many in top ranked magazines, such as Materials Today, Advanced Materials, Nature Communications, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces and others. He is editorial board member in Nature-Scientific Reports, PLoS ONE, MDPI-nanomaterials and in several others and also serves as referee for various prestigious journals, funding agencies, faculty promotions, etc. For his research papers and interest, please visit the scholar google link below: https://scholar.google.de/citations?hl=de&user=TW4Bq_oAAAAJ&view_op=list_works
Jose Maria Lagaron
Dr. Jose Maria (Chema) LAGARON is currently Group Leader and Founder of the group Novel Materials and Nanotechnology at the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA) of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) located in Valencia, Spain. He is also Lecturer of Materials Science at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Design (ESID), Polymers Group of the Area of Materials of the University Jaume I in Castellón, Spain.
Daniel Lanzillotti Kimura
C2N-CNRS (France)
I obtained my PhD in physics at Instituto Balseiro (Argentina) and Université Paris VI (France) in 2009. After my postdoctoral research at the Bariloche Atomic Center, I joined Zhang’s group at the University of California at Berkeley. In 2013 I joined the Quantum Dots Group to carry out research in optomechanics of quantum dots. In 2015 I got a Scientistific Researcher position in the CNRS and recently I was awarded an ERC Starting Grant. My research is focus on the mechanisms underlying the interaction of acoustic excitations with photons, electrons and other phonons at the nanoscale; the engineering of nanomechanical structures and the control light-matter interactions in confined systems in the classical and quantum regimes.
Pascal Larregaray
CNRS / Université Bordeaux · ISM (France)
Pascal Larregaray is a senior researcher at the CNRS specialized in theoretical reaction dynamics in the gas phase and at the gas-solid interface. He received his Ph.D. from Bordeaux University in 2001 for his studies on the statistical approach of reactivity before moving to Concordia University (Montreal, Canada) and Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL, Switzerland) to work respectively on collision induced dissociation of clusters and ultrafast spectroscopy in the condensed phase. His current research focuses on the rationalization of elementary reactivity within the framework of (semi-)classical mechanics via the development of simulation or statistical approaches. Besides, he leads the theoretical chemistry group of the Institut des Sciences Moléculaires (ISM, CNRS/U. Bordeaux, UMR 5255) and is the french coordinator of the QuantumChemPhys Transborder Laboratory between the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU), the Donostia International Physics Center (Donostia), and the Bordeaux University.
Sandrine Lebigre
R&D Programmes Manager (IPC) (France)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 4: Showcasing industrial multi-sectorial applications of pilot infrastructures for the development of new nano-enabled materials and components
Since 1.2.2017 Sandrine LEBIGRE is R&D Programmes Manager at the French Technical Institute " Innovation Plasturgie Composites (IPC)”. With more than 9-years of experience in the management of R&D collaborative projects, she is in charge of the setting-up and management of R&D programmes at the French technical center for plastics and composites industries. She is also involved in the Nanofutures Platform activities and the European Composites, Plastics and Polymer Processing Platform (ECP4). Between 2008 -2017, she worked as collaborative project manager in various fields (advanced polymer manufacturing, nanotechnologies, composites, plastronics, etc). She was in charge of the identification of R&D and innovation assets in order to position them towards existing funding schemes and to set up complementary consortium of R&D partners; the definition of project concept and objectives, impacts and risk assessment. In addition, she was in charge of the coordination of national and European projects: follow-up of the overall progress of the project, management of intellectual property and dissemination of project results.
Max Lemme
AMO GmbH (Germany)
Prof. Max Lemme becomes the new Managing Director at AMO GmbH. With effect of February 1st, Prof. Lemme, 46 years old, will officially succeed Prof. Heinrich Kurz, founder and managing director at AMO for many years, who passed away unexpectedly in March 2016. Prof. Lemme is not completely unknown to AMO. After finishing his studies in Electrical Engineering at RWTH Aachen University, he became the manager of the nanotechnology department at AMO from 1998 to 2008. In this position he was responsible for setting up the entire cleanroom facilities and he shaped significantly the overall S&T strategy of AMO in the area of microelectronics. After his time at AMO he spent two years at Harvard University, Cambridge, USA, where he focused completely on scientific research activities as a Humboldt-Fellow. Subsequently, he was appointed as Visiting Professor at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, where he worked on several projects, especially in the field of graphene. In 2012 he returned to Germany to accept a full professorship at the University of Siegen.
The electrical engineer Prof. Max Lemme has been working for several years on graphene and related two-dimensional materials and their applications in the fields of electronics, photonics and sensors. In addition Prof. Lemme has a strong track-record on classic CMOS technology and was particularly active in the integration of high-k dielectrics into silicon transistors and in the development of Fin-FET transistors.
Besides his position as Managing Director of AMO GmbH, Prof. Lemme has a new established chair at RWTH Aachen University focusing on nanotechnology, which is collaborating closely with AMO GmbH.
JingCheng Li
NanoGUNE (Spain)
Ph. D. from University of Science and Technology of China in 2009. Postdoctoral Research at Free University of Berlin (2010-2012), CIC nanogune (2013), and Centro de Física de Materiales (CSIC-UPV/EHU) (2017). Currently H2020 Fellow in CIC nanogune (Spain).
Luis Liz-Marzan
CIC Biomagune (Spain)
Ph. D. from the University of Santiago de Compostela in 1992. Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Van't Hoff Laboratory (Utrech University, The Netherlands, 1993-1995). Professor at the University of Vigo from 1995 until 2012. Currently Ikerbasque Research Professor and Scientific Director at CIC biomaGUNE
Martin Lohe
TUD / cfaed (Germany)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 7: "Graphene and 2D Materials" EUREKA Cluster
Jesus Lopez de Ipiña
Industrial Forum - SESSION 4: Showcasing industrial multi-sectorial applications of pilot infrastructures for the development of new nano-enabled materials and components
He is an industrial engineer, MSc. in environmental technologies and OHS by the University of the Basque Country. He began his professional career in the private sector, in the fields of manufacturing machinery and electrical facilities, as project engineer and head of Projects Office. In 1995 he joined LEIA – Technology Development Center, where he focused his professional activity in the areas of industrial safety, EHS management systems and OHS technologies. From 2001 to 2010, he was the head of the Industrial Safety Unit. Since 2010 he is a Project Manager in the Industry and Transport Division at TECNALIA Research and Innovation.
Since 2008, a significant part of his research activity focuses on the field of nanosafety. He participated in several FP7 projects (Nanex, nanoStair, Polyfire, IntegRisk) and was the project coordinator of project Scaffold (GA 280535) - Innovative strategies, methods and tools for occupational risks management of manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs) in the construction industry. Currently he is taking part in several H2020 projects (Platform, Fast and EC4SafeNano) as well as national projects, focusing his research on Safe-by-Design (SbD) of the nanotechnological processes (pilot lines) and products. He is a member of CEN TC 352/WG3 and AENOR AET-GT15 standardization technical committees on nanotechnology and actively participates at the European Technology Platform on Industrial Safety and the EU-Nanosafety cluster.
Miguel Angel López Manchado
ICTP - CSIC (Spain)
Got my PhD degree in Chemistry Sciences from University Complutense of Madrid in 1997. From 1998-2000, I did a two years postdoctoral at University of Perugia under supervision Prof. Jose M. Kenny. I moved back to ICTP-CSIC and I got a Ramon y Cajal contract in 2002. I got a permanent position as Tenured Researcher in 2006, promoted to Research Scientist in 2011 and, then, to Research Professor in 2016. I have managed several projects in these fields, I have supervised 10 PhD theses (plus 4 on-going), and I'm author of more than 150 publications in scientific journals and books, with 7400 citations and h-index: 46.
Javier Maira
CSIC (Spain)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 1: Strategies on technology transfer and patents commercialization for nanotechnology: successful stories
Head of the Unit of Commercialization at Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Liberato Manna
IIT (Italy)
Dr. Liberato Manna received his MSc in Chemistry from the University of Bari (Italy) in 1996 and his PhD in Chemical Sciences from the same University in 2001. During his PhD studies, and later as postdoctoral fellow, he worked at the University of California Berkeley (USA). In 2003 he moved back to Italy, as staff scientist at the National Nanotechnology Lab of CNR-INFM in Lecce, (Italy) where he became later responsible for the Nanochemistry Division in 2006. In April 2009 he moved to the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia in Genova as head of the Nanochemistry Department. Since November 2010 he is also professor of Quantum Nanoscience at the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience at TU Delft (Netherlands). His research interests are the advanced synthesis, structural characterization and assembly of inorganic nanostructures, with emphasis on the development of complex, three dimensional nano-hetero-structures for applications in energy, photonics and biology. He pioneered the field of shape control of nanoparticles, with nanorods, branched nanocrystals and nanoparticle heterostructures, their surface functionalization, as well as the assembly of nanocrystals such as rods and octapods in ordered superstructures. As of January 2013 Liberato Manna has about 170 publications in chemistry, materials science and nanoscience, contributed to 15 book chapters, and holds ten patents and fourteen patent applications in nanotechnology. Among the various prizes, he received the “Lawrence Berkeley Lab (LBL) Technology Transfer” award in 2002, the “INFM young investigator” award in 2007, the “R&D 100” award in 2009 as a member of the LBL Berkeley team for “Nanocrystal Solar Cells”, the “Journal of Materials Chemistry Lectureship” award in 2011 and the 2013 ACS “Early Career Award in Experimental Physical Chemistry”. He was recently ranked among the top 100 Chemists worldwide of the last decade by Thomson Reuters (ISI). He is (and has been) involved in several EU projects, including one (2005-2008) in which he was coordinator. Also, in 2009 he was recipient of a European Research Council (ERC) starting research grant for carrying out research on nanocomposite architectures, and in late 2013 he was recipient of a European Research Council (ERC) consolidator research grant on the study of chemical transformations in nanocrystals.
Federico Marchesin
SIMUNE (Spain)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 8: SIESTA: profesional open source code ready for industry
David Mecerreyes
David Mecerreyes (Ikerbasque Research Professor) graduated from the University of the Basque Country in 1994, and obtained the Ph.D. degree in 1998 from University of Liege (Belgium) working in the macromolecular engineering of biodegradable polyesters in the group of Prof. Robert Jérôme and Prof. Philippe Dubois. In 1999, he moved to California for a 2 year post-doc at IBM Almaden Research Centre working in the teams of Dr. James L. Hedrick and Dr. Craig J. Hawker. During his post-doctoral work, DM participated in the development of polymer brushes by living/controlled polymerization, the synthesis of polymer nanoparticles and the preparation of nanoporous low-dielectric constant materials for microelectronics. After his post-doctoral stay, he returned to Spain to join a young small private research institute, CIDETEC-IK4, Centre for Electrochemical Technologies. In 2001 he was awarded with a Ramón y Cajal Fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (MCYT) being elected as the number #1 proposal in Materials Science. Until November 2010, he was the head of the Nanotechnology Unit at CIDETEC.
Cesar Merino Sanchez
Grupo Antolin Ingenieria (Spain)
César Merino is the head of the department “ACM Advanced Carbon Materials” at the Tier 1 automotive company Grupo Antolin Ingeniería, SA. He holds a PhD in Chemistry from Complutense University Madrid. ACM is producing carbon nanofibers for polymer composites by the so-called “floating catalyst technique” since 2004, and it is producing graphene related materials (GRM) since 2011. GRM from Grupo Antolin are commercialized under the trade mark GRAnPH. The company is participating in the Graphene Flagship project. Grupo Antolin offers products with high added value to outfit automobile interiors: Overheads & Soft Trim, Doors & Hard Trim, Seats & Metal, Lighting and Cockpits & Consoles.
Cesar Merino Sanchez
Grupo Antolin Ingenieria (Spain)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 5: Safe by Design Implementation: Industrial experiences from European Initiatives
César Merino is the head of the department “ACM Advanced Carbon Materials” at the Tier 1 automotive company Grupo Antolin Ingeniería, SA. He holds a PhD in Chemistry from Complutense University Madrid. ACM is producing carbon nanofibers for polymer composites by the so-called “floating catalyst technique” since 2004, and it is producing graphene related materials (GRM) since 2011. GRM from Grupo Antolin are commercialized under the trade mark GRAnPH. The company is participating in the Graphene Flagship project. Grupo Antolin offers products with high added value to outfit automobile interiors: Overheads & Soft Trim, Doors & Hard Trim, Seats & Metal, Lighting and Cockpits & Consoles.
Carmen Mijangos
Carmen Mijangos is Research Professor at the Polymers Science and Technology Institute of Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). She received her doctoral degree in 1978 in the University of Basque Country and became scientific researcher of CSIC in 1984, in Madrid. She spent two years postdoc at CNRS, one year at UPC and, recently, she spent half year at University of Toronto and one year as Ikerbasque Visiting Professor at POLYMAT (UPV/EHU).Their research interest goes from fundamental aspects of polymer science to the development of novel polymer materials, mainly focused on polymer gels and fabrication of polymer-based nanostructures.
Among others, Prof. Mijangos is authored of more than 250 SCI papers, 5 patents and 40 technical documents. Supervisor of 16 PhD thesis and of 19 Master thesis. She also supervised 33 postdoctoral and postgraduate students in stays from 2 to 18 months.
She has been director of the Institute of Polymers of CSIC; Scientific Manager of the National Materials Program of MICINN and Scientific Manager of Materials Area of CSIC. She is elected member of the Basque Academy of Science, Arts and Literature and she belonged to Ethics Committee of CSIC and to many Scientific Advisory Committees
She has been awarded as “illustrious bilbaino” by the Town Hall of Bilbao
Rodolfo Miranda
IMDEA-Nanociencia (Spain)
Rodolfo Miranda got his Ph.D in Physics from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) in 1981 for a work on the role of defects on surfaces under the supervision of Prof. J.M. Rojo. He worked in Munich and Berlin with Gerhard Ertl (NL in Chemistry 2007), before being appointed Full Professor of Condensed Matter Physics at the UAM in 1990. Prof. Miranda has been Vice-chancellor of Research and Scientific Policy (1998-2002) of the UAM, Executive Secretary of the R+D Commission of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE) (2000-2002) and Director of the Materials Science Institute “Nicolas Cabrera”. He has served on Advisory Committees for different institutions, such as the Surface Science Division of IUVSTA, the Max Planck Institute fur Mikrostruktur Physik or the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF). Prof. Miranda is Fellow of the American Physical Society since 2007, Head of the Surface Science Lab of the UAM (LASUAM) and Director of the Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies in Nanoscience (IMDEA-Nanociencia) from February 2007.
Vincent Morin
RAITH GmbH (Germany)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 3: Nanofabrication with RAITH EBL and FIB equipment
Daniel Navarro-Urrios
ICN2 (Spain)
I have dedicated most of my scientific efforts to explore and optimize alternatives for improving the light emission efficiency of Silicon (Si) based materials and photonic structures fabricated using CMOS compatible fabrication techniques, aiming to obtain stimulated emission and lasing. Following a timeline, three have been the main subjects in which I have developed my scientific career :
1. Si nanostructures in different dielectric matrices and Si-nanostructures coupled to Er3+ ions in different dielectric matrices.
2. Si based light emitting photonic waveguides for optical amplification purposes.
3. Light emitting optical microcavities (like Si based rings and disks and rare earth doped glass/crystal spheres) integratables in a Si chip for short-range telecomm and sensing applications.
Since 2011 my efforts has been mostly focused on the field of cavity optomechanics, a branch of physics in its beginnings that focuses on the interaction between light and mechanical objects on low-energy scales.
I am coauthor of 58 peer-reviewed indexed papers, 1 book-chapter and 1 book. My h-factor is 19 according to Google Scholar.
José Mª Navas
INIA (Spain)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 5: Safe by Design Implementation: Industrial experiences from European Initiatives
Frank Nouvertné
RAITH GmbH (Germany)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 3: Nanofabrication with RAITH EBL and FIB equipment
Frank Nouvertné received his PhD in Physics in 1998 at Technical University in Aachen. Since then, he is working for Raith, currently as a Senior Product Manager Electron Beam Lithography (EBL). Managing the Gemini-based EBL system portfolio, he has collected considerable experience with all kinds of applications in fundamental and applied nanoresearch and complemented his knowhow by leading several research projects in conjunction with universities and other research institutions.
Kostya Novoselov
NGI - The University of Manchester (UK)
Prof Sir Konstantin ‘Kostya’ Novoselov FRS was born in Russia in August 1974. He has both British and Russian citizenship. He is best known for isolating graphene at The University of Manchester in 2004, and is an expert in condensed matter physics, mesoscopic physics and nanotechnology. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2010 for his achievements with graphene. Kostya holds positions of Langworthy Professor of Physics and the Royal Society Research Professor at The University of Manchester.
He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and undertook his PhD studies at the University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands before moving to The University of Manchester in 2001. Professor Novoselov has published more than 250 peer-reviewed research papers. He was awarded with numerous prizes, including Nicholas Kurti Prize (2007), International Union of Pure and Applied Science Prize (2008), MIT Technology Review young innovator (2008), Europhysics Prize (2008), Bragg Lecture Prize from the Union of Crystallography (2011), the Kohn Award Lecture (2012), Leverhulme Medal from the Royal Society (2013), Onsager medal (2014), Carbon medal (2016), Dalton medal (2016) among many others.
He was knighted in the 2012 New Year Honours.
Ahmet Oguz Tezel
Graphene Batteries (Norway)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 7: "Graphene and 2D Materials" EUREKA Cluster
Ahmet Oguz Tezel is a research scientist at Graphene Batteries AS, Oslo. He conducted his M.Sc and PhD works at the department of Materials Science and Engineering at NTNU, Norway, with an emphasis on electrochemistry. He currently undertakes engineering and design of various battery electrodes for Li-ion, Li-Sulphur and water-based batteries.
Pablo Ordejón
ICN2 (Spain)
Prof Ordejón earned his degree in Physics (1987) and PhD in Science (1992) at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA) from 1992 to 1995, and as assistant professor at the Universidad de Oviedo from 1995 to 1999. In 1999 he obtained a research staff position at the Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC). In 2007 he moved to CIN2 (now ICN2) as the leader of the Theory and Simulation Group, where he is currently a CSIC Research Professor. Since July 2012 he has served as Director of the ICN2.
He has published more than 190 scientific articles, which have received over 20,000 citations (h-index of 51). Since 2009 he has served as co-editor of EPL (formerly Euro Physics Letters) and since 2004 as regional editor of physica status solidi. He oversaw the Condensed Matter Physics subject area of the Physics Panel of the Spanish National Evaluation and Foresight Agency (ANEP) from 2003 to 2006, and was the head of the Physics and Engineering Panel of the Access Committee to the Spanish Supercomputing Network from 2005 to 2011. He became a fellow of the American Physical Society in 2005, and in 2017 was elected a member of the Academia Europaea. One of just 119 Spanish members, he joins the Physics and Engineering Section.
Mario Ordoñez
MTC, Maier Technology Center (Spain)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 4: Showcasing industrial multi-sectorial applications of pilot infrastructures for the development of new nano-enabled materials and components
Mr. Mario Ordóñez graduated with a Chemistry degree from the Basque Country University (UPV), Spain. He was working at the Plastic and Composites Department in GAIKER Technology Centre as technical researcher developing thermoplastic compounds and thermoset composite materials, as wells as evaluating applications and processes at pre-industrial scale. He has experience in design and development of products related to the Electric and Electronic Industry, working as Head of the Quality and R+D Departmentsr at QUINTELA Group. Since 1999 and currently, he is the New Materials Responsible at the R+D+i Department in MAIER Technology Centre (MTC) in Ajangiz (Spain). Extensive experience as Project Leader in the development and evaluation of polymeric materials and production processes, mainly extrusion and injection moulding, for the industrial production at MAIER S. Coop. of automotive components with aesthetic functionalities. Senior advisor for the definition of technical specifications of the materials, regarding the optimization of the injection moulding, painting and plating of the plastic parts.
Vincenzo Palermo
ISOF-CNR (Italy)
Vincenzo Palermo obtained his Ph.D. in physical chemistry in 2003 at the University of Bologna, after working at the University of Utrecht and at the National Research Council of Canada. In 2005 he joined the ISOF institute of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), to work on the production and characterization of self-assembled materials and, since 2008, of graphene-organic composites. In 2017 he became professor at Chalmers University of Technology. He has been coordinator of two large EU projects on graphene, member of the scientific committee of EUROGRAPHENE of the ESF, leader of the Work Package on composites of the Graphene Flagship. He has published 130 scientific articles and has a h-index=34. In 2012 he won the Lecturer Award for Excellence of the Federation of European Materials Societies (FEMS) and in 2013 the Research Award of the Italian Society of Chemistry (SCI).
Alain Pénicaud
CNRS / Université Bordeaux-I (France)
Senior researcher, Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal, CNRS, Université de Bordeaux
Simon Perraud
CEA (France)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 4: Showcasing industrial multi-sectorial applications of pilot infrastructures for the development of new nano-enabled materials and components
Simon Perraud holds a M.Sc. from ESPCI Paris (2004), a Ph.D. in Physics from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (2007), and a Habilitation degree from the Université Grenoble Alpes (2013). From 2004 to 2007, he was a doctoral researcher at the Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (Atsugi, Japan), investigating electronic properties of semiconductor hetero-structures. He was a recipient of the Award of the Japan Society of Applied Physics in 2008. Simon joined CEA (Grenoble, France) in 2008, to develop advanced materials for renewable energy applications. He had a key role in several public-private, collaborative research projects. Since 2016, he is the vice president for European affairs at Liten, a technological research institute of CEA, which brings together about 1,000 researchers working on renewable energy, energy storage and energy efficiency. He is also vice chairman at EMIRI (Energy Materials Industrial Research Initiative), an industry-driven association which represents more than 60 organizations active in the field of materials for clean energy and clean mobility technologies. He is the coordinator of NAMEC, a cluster set up by the European Commission to regroup all European projects focused on materials for low-carbon energy. Simon is author or co-author of more than 40 articles in peer-reviewed international journals, and has filed more than 30 patents
Alessandro Pitanti
NEST, CNR-Nano (Italy)
I graduated from University in Pisa in 2006, defending a thesis on the theoretical optical properties of Si/Ge multi-quantum-wells analyzed with the tight-binding technique. Moving to University of Trento for my PhD, under the supervision of prof. Lorenzo Pavesi, I started to focus on experimental Si photonics, focusing in particular on silicon nanocrystals as active material in different cavity systems. In my first post-doc at NEST – Scuola Normale Superiore and CNR-Nano, in Alessandro Tredicucci group, he moved from the Near-Infrared to the THz spectral range, where I developed efficient, room-temperature detectors based on semiconductor nanowires and smart photonic structure from light extraction and control in Quantum Cascade Lasers. Joining my new and past expertises on photonics and charge transport, I won a Marie Curie fellowship with the aim of devising opto-electro-mechanical systems under the supervision of prof. Oskar Painter at California Institute of Technology. After going back to NEST as a staff researcher I am currently starting new research lines, where NEST strong activities in THz photonics, superconductors and graphene are merged with mechanics to create new concepts for optomechanical devices
Andrew J. Pollard
National Physical Laboratory (UK)
After joining NPL in 2009, Andrew Pollard is now leading the Surface and Nanoanalysis Group's research into the structural and chemical characterisation of graphene and related 2D materials, with a focus on enabling industrial commercialisation in this area. This metrology research addresses the actual measurement of 2D materials with a range of surface characterisation techniques, such as Raman spectroscopy and tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS), scanning probe microscopies (SPM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Andrew is a member of the ISO working group 'Measurement and Characterisation' within the 'Nanotechnologies' Technical Committee (TC229), and a UK nominated expert for the international graphene standards currently in development in ISO/TC229 and IEC/TC113. As part of his role as the Industry Standardisation Leader at the NGMC, he is leading international standards within ISO/TC229, including the first published graphene ISO standard on terminology, and heavily engaged with companies around the world producing or using graphene. Andrew is also the lead author of the NPL Good Practice Guide 145 'Characterisation of the Structure of Graphene', in collaboration with the University of Manchester. Andrew is a Visiting Academic at the National Graphene Institute (NGI), the co-chair of the VAMAS Technical Working Area 'TWA 41: Graphene and Related 2D Materials', a Committee Member of the 'Materials and Characterisation' Group at the Institute of Physic (IOP) and is on the advisory board of several graphene entities.
Danny Porath
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)
Professor of Chemistry and Nanotechnology at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Research Interests
­ DNA-based and SP1-based nanoelectronics
Specific research topics related to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology:
­ Investigation of the morphology, electrical properties and energy spectra of DNA, G4-DNA, and metalized DNA by atomic force microscopy and related methods, by scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM/STS) and by direct electrical transport measurements.
­ Development and investigation of new DNA-based nanowires and nanodevices using the above methods and above candidates in collaboration with other groups.
­ Development of ultra dense memory arrays and nanoelectronic wires and networks made of SP1-nanoparticles hybrids in collaboration with other groups.
­ Investigation of DNA translocation in solid-state nanopores towards DNA sequencing and other, also bio-oriented, applications.
­ Investigation of medical relevant DNA-proteins interactions at the single molecule level with AFM.
Raquel Puelles
Industrial Forum - SESSION 5: Safe by Design Implementation: Industrial experiences from European Initiatives
Dr. Raquel C. Puelles, Researcher, Ph.D. in Chemistry with more than 15 years’ experience working in research. She has a strong background in nanotechnology processes of different materials and also in the synthesis of nanoparticles and their functionalization and integration in composite. In 2010, she started to work in Avanzare in a new research line in nanomaterials and their applications. Since then she has been working in more than 25 R&D competitive projects related to synthesis and functionalization of nanoparticles and nanostructured coatings. In addition, she is technically involved in projects related to implementation of Safe by Design in the industry.
She is co-author of 9 scientific articles. 237 total citations by 166 documents, H index. 9 and more than 20 conference communications
Victor Puntes
ICN2 (Spain)
ICREA Research Prof Víctor F. Puntes’ work spans the full breadth of nanoparticle research: synthesis, conjugation and characterisation of inorganic nanoparticles; nanotoxicology and nanosafety; and myriad applications for sectors including medicine and the environment.
Prof. Puntes completed his undergraduate studies in Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at the Université Louis Pasteur Strasbourg (France) and at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). In 1998, he earned his PhD in Physics from the Universitat de Barcelona (UB), working with Prof. Xavier Batlle and Prof. Amilcar Labarta on giant magnetoresistance in granular alloys. He then spent more than three years at the University of California Berkeley and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) in the groups led by Prof. Paul Alivisatos and Prof. Kannan Krishnan, working on the synthesis and control of nanostructures. In 2003 he returned to Catalonia with a Ramón y Cajal research position at the UB: In 2005 obtained an ICREA Professorship at ICN to create the Inorganic Nanoparticles Group, which he currently leads.
By the end of 2016, Prof. Puntes held 153 peer-reviewed publications and over 10,500 citations. He is also well-known for his work in science communication tothe general public, his industrial and commercial efforts, and for his endeavours linking science and art.
Albert Redo-Sanchez
das Nano S.L. (Spain)
Research and Development at das-Nano Experience in design of experiments, system modeling and simulation, data acquisition and analysis, and algorithm development. Experience in research and development of non-destructive testing and spectroscopy applications with terahertz technology. Technology assessment and bibliography search and analysis.
Stephan Roche
ICREA/ICN2 (Spain)
Prof Stephan Roche is a theoretician with more than twenty years of experience in the study of transport theory of low-dimensional systems, including graphene, carbon nanotubes, semiconducting nanowires, organic materials and topological insulators. He has published more than 100 papers in journals such as Review of Modern Physics, Nature Physics, Nano Lett. and Phys. Rev. Lett. (40 papers) and he is the co-author of the recently published book on “Introduction to Graphene-Based Nanomaterials: From Electronic Structure to Quantum Transport” (Cambridge University Press 2014). He received the Authorisation to conduct PhD projects in 2004 at the University Joseph-Fourier (Grenoble, France), and since then he has supervised 5 PhD students and more than a dozen postdoctoral researchers in France, Germany and Spain. S. Roche has been awarded the prestigious Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel prize by the Alexander Von-Humboldt Foundation (Germany), and finally, since 2011, he has been actively involved in the Graphene Flagship project, currently as a co-leader of the Graphene spintronics workpackage.
Isabel Rodriguez
GAIKER (Spain)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 5: Safe by Design Implementation: Industrial experiences from European Initiatives
Anna Roig
Nanoparticles and Nanocomposites Group Leader. CURRENT RESEARCH INTERESTS: I define myself as an applied materials scientist interested in the controlled and rational synthesis of inorganic and hybrid nanoparticles and nanocomposites (with a soft spot for magnetic materials) and the understanding of their structural-functional properties including problems related to nanobiointerfaces. Specifically: I. Fabrication of colloids and nanocomposites for applications in nanomedicine, smart electronics and environmental sensors II. Use of non-traditional methods for the synthesis of nanomaterials (microwaves, supercritical fluids, bacterial production) III. Understanding magnetic phenomena in nanomaterials.
Teófilo Rojo
CIC energigune (Spain)
rofessor Teófilo Rojo received his PhD from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU ) in 1981, although part of his research was conducted in collaboration with the Laboratoire de Chimie du Solide du CNRS, University of Bordeaux ( France ). He has spent various research periods at the Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry in Bordeaux, as well as King's College (University of London, UK), the University of Cambridge (UK), and the University of Marburg (Germany). Since 1976, he has held various positions at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). In 1992, he became Full Professor of Inorganic Chemistry. He has been responsible for the third cycle program of the Inorganic Chemistry Department (5 different doctoral programs) and an Interuniversity Master's degree (UPV/EHU and University of Cantabria). In 2010, he was appointed Scientific Director at the research center CIC-Energigune (www.cicenergigune.com) dependent on the Basque Government. Currently, CIC-Energigune is one of the European centers with the highest scientific productivity in the field of energy storage and with a clear orientation toward the impact on the competitiveness of the Basque industry.
Adi Salomon
Bar-Ilan University (Israel)
Adi Salomon obtained her B.Sc. in Chemistry from Tel Aviv University and received her PhD from the department of Materials and Interfaces at Weizmann Institute of Science with David Cahen. There she got a scientific background on surface chemistry, semiconductors and electron transport through organic molecules. Then she went to Strasbourg, working with Thomas Ebbesen on Interaction between molecules and surface plasmons. Her research was the first to demonstrate the dynamics of interaction between surface plasmons and molecules throughout the development of a new surface photochemistry. Later on, at the WIS, together with Yehiam Prior, Tamar Seideman, Robert Gordon and Maxim Shukaharev, they have developed a new model to explain interactions between molecules which are immersed in the ‘plasmonic field’.
Current research in Salomon's lab is on interaction between molecules at light at the nano scale, and real time imaging of electrodes surfaces as part of INREP group.
Luis Sanz Tejedor
OEPM (Spain)
He is a Rural Engineer who studied at the Politechnic University of Madrid. He has worked for the Automotive Industry, in the Food Chain Industry and for the Logistics Sector, and his duties have always had an innovation approach on an international environment.
From 2001 he has served as a Public Servant al the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office in Madrid, except a one year period when he was Seconded as a National Expert at the European Commission in Brussels when he worked for the ITER project at EURATOM. During the last 14 years, he has attended either as a listener as a speaker to several Innovation and Technology Transfer meetings.
He is the Head or the Mechanichal Engineering Patents Examination Division where the patents referred to Energy, Automotive, Industrial processes and Tool Machinery are managed.
Felicien Schopfer
LNE (France)
Dr. Félicien Schopfer obtained an engineer’s degree from École Nationale Supérieure de Physique - Grenoble INP in 2001, a master’s degree in condensed matter physics from the University of Grenoble the same year and a PhD in Physics from the University of Grenoble in 2005, after preparation at CNRS. He was then appointed at Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d’Essais (LNE) to advance research in quantum metrology and contribute to provide high-quality measurement services to industry. He has focused on the study of the quantum Hall effect for the realization of the electrical resistance measurement SI unit and its dissemination to users through calibrations. His experimental research has mainly dealt with condensed matter physics, mesoscopic physics, quantum electron transport in nanodevices at low temperature and high magnetic field, high-precision measurements, nanotechnology, quantum technologies, fundamental metrology. Notably, since 2007, he has been involved in graphene research with the objective to relax the implementation of the quantum Hall resistance standard and surpass the usual semiconductor devices for this application. The results have been published in international peer-reviewed journals. Félicien Schopfer has participated, also as coordinator, in several projects funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) and several EU projects within the European Metrology Program for Innovation and Research, the Graphene Flagship, etc.
Roy Shenhar
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)
PhD in Chemistry, BSc in Computer Science Research experience: polymer science, block copolymers, nanoparticles,
nanotechnology, flash photolysis.
My primary roles are managing a research group and teaching elementary and advanced courses in chemistry. Additionally, I'm the head of Computerized Teaching Technologies in the Teaching and Learning Center of the Hebrew University, serving as the academic head of all computerized learning in the university.
Uri Sivan
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Israel)
Clivia Sotomayor Torres
ICREA/ICN2 (Spain)
ICREA Research Prof. Dr Clivia M. Sotomayor Torres was awarded her PhD in Physics in 1984 by the University of Manchester (UK). She then held tenured academic appointments at the universities of St. Andrews and Glasgow also in the UK, before becoming a C4 professor at Universität Wuppertal (Germany) in 1996. She was a research professor at the Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork (Ireland) from 2004 to 2008. Since May 2007 she has been an ICREA Research Professor based at the ICN2.
Soren Stobbe
Technical University of Denmark (Denmark)
Associate Professor, CEO at Sparrow Quantum A/S.
Expert on semiconductor nanotechnology and quantum photonic devices.
Blanca Suarez
TEMAS (Switzerland)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 5: Safe by Design Implementation: Industrial experiences from European Initiatives
Dr B. Suárez-Merino DPhil from the University of Oxford (UK) has specialized in the isolation and characterisation of stem cells from brain tumours and breast cancer using cell biology and molecular profiling. Subsequently she was responsible of the Biotechnology Area at Gaiker Technology Centre (Bizkaia, Spain) coordinating the research activities of the group which include ADME-tox for pharma and cosmetic products, Nanotoxicology and the development of alternative in vitro models for toxicity and efficacy assessment. At present she is Head of Technology at TEMAS AG (Switzerland) focusing on Nanosafety issues and Regulation. She is the author of several papers and conference proceedings in the area of Nanotoxicology, in vitro models and Risk Assessment and a reviewer of high impact journals in those areas.
Ravi Sundaram
Oxford Instruments (UK)
Industrial Forum - SESSION 7: "Graphene and 2D Materials" EUREKA Cluster
Dr Sundaram is the Market Manager for emerging technologies at Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology. He has been involved in 2D materials research in several institutions such as EPFL, Switzerland, Max Planck Institute Stuttgart, Germany, IBM T.J Watson Research Labs, NY and Cambridge University where he worked on several aspects of graphene and 2D materials from synthesis, fundamental science to prototype applications in optoelectronics and electronics. He joined Oxford Instruments to lead and coordinate efforts towards 2D materials R&D and is now responsible for scoping out and developing a strategy for emerging technology markets.
Mauricio Terrones
The Pennsylvania State University (USA)
Mauricio Terrones, obtained his B.Sc. degree in Engineering Physics with first class honors at Universidad Iberoamericana, and was distinguished as the Best Student of Mexico in Engineering Physics in 1992. In 1994 he started his doctorate degree with Sir Prof. Harold W. Kroto (Nobel Laureate, FRS), and received his D.Phil. degree from University of Sussex in 1998. He has co-authored more than 400 publications in international journals, and counts with more than 28,000 citations to his work (His H index is 83; Google Scholar H=91). He has published in Nature, Science, Phys. Rev. Lett., Nano Lett., Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Nature Chemistry, ACS Nano, PNAS, etc. In 1999, he was awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, and carried out research at the Max-Planck Institut für Metallforschung (Stuttgart, Germany). In 2000, he was recipient of the Mexican National Prize for Chemistry. He also received the Javed Husain Prize and the Albert Einstein medal from UNESCO in 2001. In 2005, he received the TWAS Prize in Engineering Physics for his contributions in the field of carbon-based nanomaterials. This prize is given by the Academy of Sciences of the Developing world, and Mauricio is the youngest scientist ever to receive any TWAS award. In 2005, Terrones also received the “José Antonio Villaseñor y Sánchez” Prize, awarded by the governor of the state of San Luis Potosí, for his contributions to Nanoscience. He is member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences since 2002. In 2007, Terrones was elected the National Contact Point in Nanotechnology with the European Union. In 2012 was elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). In 2015, he was elected fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) and was awarded the Jubilee Professorship from Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden). In 2016, Mauricio was awarded the Faculty Scholar Medal in Physical Sciences (Penn State). Mauricio is also Associate Editor of Carbon, 2D Materials, Journal of Materials Research and Nature Scientific Reports. He is Professor of Physics, Chemistry and Materials Science & Engineering with tenure at Penn State University. He is also the Founder Director of the Center for 2-Dimensional and Layered Materials at Penn State, and also the NSF-IUCRC Center for Atomically Thin Multifunctional Coatings (ATOMIC).
Ewold Verhagen
AMOLF (The Netherlands)
Ewold Verhagen studies the physics of light confined at the nanoscale. He is particularly interested in the interactions between light and nanomechanical motion, the applications of field enhancement in micro-/nanocavities and plasmonic resonators, and efficient coupling of light to subwavelength volumes.
During his PhD research at the FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMOLF), he performed experimental and theoretical research in the emerging fields of plasmonics and metamaterials. He studied the behavior and applications of light confined to subwavelength length scales in metallic nanostructures in the form of surface plasmon polaritons.
He demonstrated efficient nanofocusing of light on a chip to deeply subwavelength dimensions, showing how surface plasmons were compressed adiabatically in a tapered gold waveguide and guided below the diffraction limit. In a series of experiments, he demonstrated strongly enhanced absorption and emission rates in emitters coupled to plasmonic resonators, of particular interest for enhancing LEDs and solar cells. Finally, he described how light waves in nanoscale waveguides can be made to run ‘backwards’, described by a negative index of refraction. This led to the discovery of a new class of three-dimensional ‘metamaterials’, which can exhibit an isotropic negative index of refraction at optical frequencies.
His postdoc work in the Laboratory of Photonics and Quantum Measurement of Tobias Kippenberg at the EPFL focused on the interaction between light in high-Q microcavities and mechanical motion, in the newly arising field of quantum optomechanics. He developed novel silica microresonators exhibiting strong optomechanical coupling, and used these in a cryogenic experiment to cool a mechanical mode to an average occupancy of 1.7 motional quanta by radiation pressure sideband cooling. He demonstrated that the optomechanical coupling rate can exceed both the optical and the mechanical decoherence rate in the system, thus enabling quantum control of a mechanical oscillator with light (Nature, 2012).
Since the end of 2012, he leads the new research group Photonic Forces at the FOM Institute AMOLF. His group studies photonics in high-quality microcavities and nanophotonic waveguides, with a special interest in the coupling between light and nanomechanical motion through radiation pressure forces in nanophotonic systems. In 2014, he was awarded the NWO Vidi grant to perform quantum measurements in nano-optomechanical systems.
Juan Jose Vilatela
IMDEA (Spain)
Dr. Juan José Vilatela García has a BSc in Physics Engineering from UIA, Mexico (2005) and a PhD from the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy of the University of Cambridge (2009). In 2011 he founded the Multifunctional Nanocomposites Group (http://www.materials.imdea.org/groups/mng/ ) at IMDEA Materials Institute.
His group’s work is largely focused on the development of macroscopic materials made up of nanobuilding blocks in a way that the unique properties at the nanoscale are preserved through the assembly process and a new generation of high-performance engineering materials is produced. He was involved in early developments of a process to make continuous macroscopic fibres made up of CNTs, at Cambridge. Later he took part in the transfer of this technology to industry. His more recent work includes studying hierarchical structures by advanced X-ray techniques, reinforcement at multiple length-scales and the electrochemical interactions of CNT fibres with liquids and polymers. His research has helped establish the unique combination of properties of CNT fibres, particularly for multifunctional composites that can store energy or have sensing functions. He is the author of over 40 papers (> 1200 citations), 7 patents (2 industrially exploited) and has an h-index of 15. He has coordinated several European projects, industrial contracts (e.g. Airbus) and is currently the recipient of an ERC Starting Grant to develop structural energy haversting composite materials. He has been awarded the “Juan de la Cierva” and “Ramón y Cajal” fellowships by the Spanish Ministry of Economics, and the 2016 young investigator award by the European Society for Composite Materials. Since 2014 his is an associate lecturer at the Carlos III de Madrid University and at the Technical University of Madrid in its Airbus-UPM master’s programme. He is currently editor of the journal Scientific Reports.
Helge Weman
NTNU & CrayoNano AS (Norway)
Professor at NTNU, CSO and Founder of CrayoNano AS
In 2005 I was appointed professor in nanoelectronics, nanophotonics and nanomagnetics as part of our University's strategic focus on nanotechnology. At the Institute for Electronics and Telecommunications I now lead a research group that fabricates and characterizes nano-scale semiconductor materials like nanowires containing single quantum dots. We fabricate our nanostructures with a molecular beam epitaxy system at our institute together with professor Bjørn-Ove Fimland. I study also applications of nanomaterials in optical devices such as solar cells, lasers, and sensors. Of particular interest is the electrical and optical characterization of these nano systems using techniques such as nano-luminescence microscopy.
Rune Wendelbo
Abalonyx (Norway)
CEO / General Manager at Abalonyx AS
Worked as researcher at SINTEF in Oslo from 1988 - 2005. Worked with preparation and characterization of catalysts and adsorbents in SINTEF. Established Abalonyx in 2005 and Graphene Batteries in 2012.
Robert Westervelt
Harvard University (USA)
Robert Westervelt received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in 1977. Following a postdoctoral appointment at Berkeley, he moved to Harvard University, where he is currently Mallinckrodt Professor of Applied Physics & Physics, and Professor of Physics. Westervelt's group builds liquid-He cooled scanning probe microscopes to image the motion of electrons through nanostructures. For biomedicine, his group uses programmable Integrated Circuit / Microfluidic chips to manipulate biological cells. Westervelt is Director of the NSF Science and Technology Center for Integrated Quantum Materials, which aims to make atomic-scale electronics and photonics from quantum materials: atomic-layers, topological insulators, and nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond. In addition, he is Director of the Center for Nanoscale Systems, which provides advanced shared facilities for nano fabrication, characterization, and electron microscopy.
Anil O. Yalcin
Thermo Fisher Scientific (The Netherlands)
Robert Young
The University of Manchester (UK)
The research interests of Professor Young are in all aspects of the relationships between structure and mechanical properties of polymers and composites, and he has published a number of books and more than 350 papers in the field. He is listed in HighlyCited and has an H-index of 65. He has a number of research programmes in collaboration with academics and industrial companies in the UK, Mainland Europe, Japan and China. The application of the technique of Raman spectroscopy to monitor deformation processes in high-performance fibres and composites has been developed and now extended to other materials such as carbon nanotubes and spider silk. More recently he has been concerned using Raman spectroscopy to follow the deformation of graphene in composites in collaboration with Professor Novoselov of the School of Physics and Astronomy. This is now the main activity of his research group which investigates all aspects of the structure and deformation of graphene and other 2D materials in nanocomposites.
Amaia Zurutuza
Graphenea (Spain)
Amaia Zurutuza obtained her PhD in Polymer Chemistry from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow (UK) in 2002. During her PhD she worked in the research of novel polymers for biomedical applications. After completing her PhD she did two post-doctoral fellowships working within two European projects in the field of molecularly imprinted polymers. At the beginning of 2004, she joined Controlled Therapeutics Scotland Ltd. (UK) where she was a Senior Polymer Scientist working in the R&D of new controlled drug delivery systems. Her research contribution in Controlled Therapeutics lead to the publication of 3 patents in novel biodegradable and biostable polymers for controlling drug delivery. In April 2010 she joined Graphenea as the Scientific Director.