Within the framework of the international event IMAGINENANO, a brokerage event focused on nano and microtechnologies and their applications in various industrial sectors will be organized.
The aim of the ImagineNano Brokerage Event 2013 is to encourage meetings between technology developers and technology users in order to foster technical cooperation in the field of micro & nanotechnology.
Companies, technological centers, research and development institutes, research laboratories, universities and private researchers have opportunity to:
- present their know-how and innovative technologies
- find new technological solutions
- meet potential business partners
- find partners for collaborative European R&D projects
- make new international contacts |

How it works
After your registration for the Brokerage Event, you will be asked to submit your PROFILE: Technology offer, technology request or partner search. The profile will then be presented in the online catalogue. You may submit separate profiles for each technology you want to highlight. And the earlier you submit your profile, the better chance you stand of being selected by other participants.
One week prior to the event you will receive your meeting schedule for your 30 minutes individual one-to-one meetings.

Your benefits
Thanks to the proven methodology we offer you a good meeting schedule with high level meetings.

Industrial sectors
Industrial manufacture
Aerospace technology
Materials technology
Chemical industry
Automation/Robotics |
Heavy metals industry, smelting
Electronics, microelectronics
Medicine, health
Measurements and standards
- Free of charge for those who already registered to attend ImagineNano (Global, Conference and Exhibition Pass)
- 100€ (price per day - is valid only on the 24th and 25th of April) for participants who wish to attend the brokerage event + industrial forum
Tentative Program