ImagineNano 2013 and Euskampus are pleased to announce a series of talks for those who have less knowledge and those who want to learn more in-depth about nanotechnology.
These talks will be organized in the center of Bilbao (Bizkaia Aretoa) and are planned to the community free of charge.
These talks are practical presentations on Nanotechnology with special information sessions for Q&A.
The talks will be held on the 23rd, 24th and the 25th (18:30h) of April in the afternoon.
ImagineNano has planned an event where the exploratory part is an extra added value and where everyone can have access nanotechnology in different ways.
Bizkaia Aretoa
Avenida Abandoibarra, 3
48009 Bilbao
GPS: 43.26867,-2.93752
"Controlling the small, improving our lives: the nanotechnology revolution"
"Dominar lo pequeño, mejorar nuestras vidas: la revolución de la nanotecnología"
CV (Spanish) - More Info |
Pedro A. Serena (Madrid, 1962) is researcher at the Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM), a centre of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). He was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the IBM Zürich Laboratory (1990-1991). In 1997 he achieved a permanent position as Tenured Scientist of CSIC, and he promoted to CSIC Researcher in 2005. He has participated in 36 research projects (14 as main researcher). |
He has been advisor of four PhD students and co-organizer of 16 international conferences and workshops. He is co-author of 80 articles published in international journals, as well more than 50 articles, reports and studies in national or international journals, books and newspapers, covering different topics: scientific dissemination, scientific policy, technologies convergence, prospective studies, etc. He ii co-author of the "Unidad Didactica de Nanotecnología" (FECYT, 2008) and "¿Qué sabemos de la nanotecnología? (CSIC, 2010). His research activity has been presented in more than 160 seminars and conferences. He was coordinator of the Nanoscience Network and NanoSpain Network over the periods 2000-2004 and 2000-2005, respectively. Since 2002 to 2005 he was Deputy Director of the ICMM (CSIC). Over the period 2004-2007 he was designated expert member in Strategic Actions of the Committee for Monitoring the Spanish R&D National Plan. Over 2007-2008 he was appointed as Coordinator of the CSIC Nano Axis. Over 2008-2011 he was designed Collaborator of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation in the Nanotechnology Area. In 2012 he was designed as Scientific Coordinator of the CSIC Materials Science and Technology Area.
"Nanoparticles before nanotehcnology (cosmogenic, geogenic, biogenic and -unnoticed- antropogenic origin).
Nanoparticles into the biological machinery: new tools for diagnosis and therapy" |
Victor Franco Puntes (Barcelona 1970) studied chemical engineering at the European High Institut of Chemistry of Strasbourg (now IPCMS), France, in materials sciences, ending in 1994. He obtained his phD at the Physics Department at the University of Barcelona (1998), on Giant Magnetoresistance in granular alloys, in collaboration with research groups at the University of Coventry and North Wales University where he spend a year of his pHD program. He spent 4 years at Berkeley in a post doctoral position, first in the group of professor Krishnan Kannan (National Center for Electron Microscopy, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory) and then in the group of professor Paul Alivisatos (College of Chemistry, UC Berkeley). After moving to the Physics department at the University of Barcelona with a Ramon y Cajal position in 2003 he obtained an ICREA (Institut Català de Recerca I Estudis Avançats) Professorship at the Institut Català de Nanotechnologia (ICN) to create the Inorganic Nanoparticles Laboratory since 2005 dedicated to the synthesis, characterization and applications of engineered inorganic nanoparticles. |
“Nanociencia: del átomo a los nuevos materiales“
CV (Spanish) - More Info |
Daniel Sanchez Portal
is a research scientist working in the Materials Physics Center CSIC-UPV/EHU in San Sebastián. His expertise and research interest cover the methodology of DFT based first-principles electronic structure calculations and their application to the study of nanostructures and surfaces. He has published over 110 scientific papers with a quite a large impact (over 9500 citations and a Hirsch index of 35). He is one of the developers of the SIESTA code for electronic structure simulations, which is used nowadays by hundreds of academic and industrial users.
Research ID: |