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SPM 2013: latest conference to be announced

One place, seven conferences covering hot science trends. The main focus will be on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology in the fields of Graphene, Energy, Bio/Medicine, Optics, Photonics and Security & Defense. Internationally renowned speakers will offer the attendees exceptional opportunities. The latest trends and discoveries in N&N from some of the world´s leading players in the field will be discussed.

Contact details:
Dr. Antonio Correia
Phantoms Foundation (Spain)
Tel: +34 91 1402145

     If you do need visa, the organization will be pleased to give you a letter of invitation to support your application.
     However the invitation letter will only be issued to speakers or attendees who already registered.
     The letter will be sent by email only.  Be aware that we won’t be able to contact directly consulates and embassies.

     Contact: visarequest@imaginenano.com

NanoSpain 2013 Graphene 2013 BioNanoMed TNA Energy PPM 2013 NanoSD 2013


  Main Sponsors

ImagineNano 2013