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A limited number of graduate grants are available to allow students performing graduate work to present a poster at the upcoming ImagineNano event. These four days event will feature talks addressing all fields of science, engineering and technology at the nanoscale.

To be eligible, students must be actively pursuing a PhD degree and must be in good standing with their department. To apply for grants you have to submit a two-page abstract of the subject you will present in a poster session.

These bursaries will cover partially travel expenses OR the registration fee.

Registration fee

1 Grant (Registration Fee) sponsored by Nanoscale - (Applies to Graphene 2013, Nanospain 2013 or nanoBio&Med Conferences) - To be eligible you must be a PhD student (All countries).

5 Grants (Registration Fee) sponsored by N4E (network nanophotonics4energy) - (Applies to PPM2013 Conference ONLY) - To be eligible you must be a PhD student (All countries).

10 Grants (Registration Fee) sponsored by Euskampus – (Applies to PPM2013 Conference ONLY) - To be eligible you must be a PhD student from the UPV (Basque Country). More Info
20 Grants (Registration Fee) sponsored by Euskampus - (Applies to Graphene 2013, Nanospain 2013 or nanoBio&Med Conferences) - To be eligible you must be a PhD student from the UPV (Basque Country). More Info

Travel expenses (The reimbursement process could take between 2 and 6 months depending on the source of funding)

20 Grants (Travel Expenses – max 150 Euros) sponsored by ImagineNano 2013 Organizers - (Applies to ALL Conferences) - To be eligible you must be a PhD student (All countries).

14 Grants (Travel Expenses - max 150 Euros) sponsored by Nanoaracat - (Applies to ALL Conferences) - To be eligible you must be a PhD student from Aragón or Cataluña (Spain).

You can ONLY apply to ONE grant.

Grants will be assigned on the basis "First come - First served" (after requests being reviewed by the Organising Committee).



  Main Sponsors

ImagineNano 2013