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Graphene Conference it´s now on its 3rd edition.

The last edition, Graphene 2012 (Brussels, Belgium), proved that is now an established European event, attracting global participant´s intent on sharing, exchanging and exploring new avenues of graphene-related scientific and commercial developments.

Graphene 2012 in numbers:
- 600 Participants from 41 countries; 27 Exhibitors in the field; 200 posters; More than 100 speakers; Top seven countries: United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Russia and United States.

One researcher´s impressions of Graphene 2012 by Mildred S. Dresselhaus. More Info.


Graphene is a two-dimensional monolayer of sp² bonded carbon atoms in a dense honeycomb crystal structure which behaves electronically as a zero-gap semiconductor.Its discovery in 2004 has sparked a considerable scientific activity that has now established a broad international community with interest in both fundamental properties of a unique material, together with a wealth of foreseen applications in fields as nanoelectronics (high-frequency devices,..), electromechanics, optics, photonics, sensing, NEMS,…
Exceptional electronic properties of this material, resulting in carrier mobilities as large as several thousands of cm²/Vs, make this material at the heart of the alternatives for the so-called beyond-CMOS nanoelectronics research. The current carrying capability of graphene is orders of magnitude higher than that of metals. Additionally, graphene is CMOS compatible and can be handled by standard planar technology, which should result in highest integration of device density in the medium run. Graphene devices are also believed to work at much lower supply voltages and should therefore result in lower power consumption. Therefore graphene has the potential to increase computing performance, functionality and communication speed far beyond the expected limits of conventional CMOS technology, which is related with large financial markets in the microelectronics business. Additionally, the reports of novel functionalities in graphene devices such as sensing capability, electro-mechanical effects (e.g. resonators) and spintronics effects also profile some new perspectives for innovative applications. Those salient features will be at the heart of GRAPHENE 2013 that will present the state of the art of the field.

A specific session entitled “Graphene Science and Technologies: Horizons and Challenges” will be organised (Wednesday April 24, 2013)

The tentative titles of speakers are as follows:
- Wolfgang Boch (EU - Head of Unit 'Flagships', Belgium): Status and plans on the FET Flagships
- Jari Kinaret (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden): Europe and the Graphene Flagship
- Soon Hyung Hong (Ministry of Knowledge Economy / KAIST, Korea): Status and Prospective of Graphene R&D in Korea

- Tomas Palacios (MIT, US): United States - Graphene Research Status, priorities and perspectives
- Antonio Castro Neto (National Univ. of SingaporeSingapore): Singapore - Graphene Research Status, priorities and perspectives


  Dimitri Basov
    (University of California, USA)
  Hongjie Dai
    (Stanford University, USA)

  Andrea Ferrari
    (University of Cambridge, UK)

  Bart van Wees
    (Univ. of Groningen, Netherlands)
  Wolfgang Boch
    (EU - Head of Unit 'Flagships', Belgium)
  Helene Bouchiat
    (Univ. Paris-Sud 11, France) 
  Antonio Castro Neto
    (National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore)
  Byung Jin Cho
    (KAIST, Korea) 
Hui-Ming Cheng
    (Inst. of Metal Research, China)

  Goki Eda
    (National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore)
  Xinliang Feng
    (Max Planck Inst. for Polymer Research, Germany)
  Slaven Garaj
    (National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore)
  Irina Grigorieva
    (Univ. of Manchester, UK)
  Jari Kinaret
    (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
  Mark Hersam
    (Northwestern University, USA)
  Tae-Woo Lee
    (Pohang Univ. of Science and Tech., Postech-Korea) 
  Kian Ping Loh 
    (National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore)

  João Lopes dos Santos
    (University of Porto, Portugal)
  Jannik C. Meyer
    (University of Vienna, Austria)

  Barbaros Ozyilmaz
    (National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore)
  Tomas Palacios
    (MIT, USA)

 Jiwoong Park
    (Cornell University, USA) 
  Bernard Placais
    (LPA - UMR 8551, Paris, France)

  Peter Sutter
    (Brookhaven National Lab., USA)
  Jean-Yves Veuillen
    (Institut NEEL- UPR 2940, Grenoble & UAM, France)
  Andrea Young
    (MIT, USA)
    Invited (Parallel workshop: Theory & Simulation)
  Emilio Artacho
    (CIC nanoGUNE, Spain)
  Miguel A. Cazalilla
    (NUS / Graphene Research Center, Singapore)
  Mei-Yin Chou
    (IAMS - Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Chris Ewels
    (IMN- UMR 6502, Nantes, France

 Francesco Mauri
    (Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, France)

  Oleg Yazyev
    (EPFL, Switzerland)
    Invited (Parallel workshop: Materials & Devices Characterization)
  Florian Banhart
    (IPCMS, France)
  Laszlo P. Biro
    (Research Inst for Techn Physics and Materials Science, Hungary)

  Ute Kaiser
    (Ulm University, Germany)
  Young Hee Lee
    (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)

  Kazutomo Suenaga
    (AIST, Japan)

    Invited (Parallel workshop: Applications of Graphene-based Materials)
   Luigi Colombo
    (Texas Instruments, USA)
   Arben Merkoçi
    (ICN, Spain)

   Seongjun Park
    (Samsung, Korea)
   Tapani Ryhänen
    (Nokia Research Center, Finland)

   Ken Teo
  Amaia Zurutuza
    (Graphenea, Spain)
    Plenary Orals
  Gregory Andreev
    (Bruker Nano Surfaces, United States)
  Christoph Drexler
    (University of Regensburg, Germany)
  Bostjan Genorio
    (Centre of Excellence for Low-Carbon Technologies, Slovenia)
  Stefan Hertel
    (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany)
  Liv Hornekaer
    (Aarhus University, Denmark)
  Arkady Krasheninnikov
    (Aalto University, Finland)
  Max Lemme
    (University of Siegen, Germany)
  Mark Lundeberg
    (ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Spain)
  Frank Ortmann
    (Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology, Spain)
  Juerg Osterwalder
    (Physik-Institut, Universitaet Zuerich, Switzerland)
  Juan Ramon Sanchez Valencia
    (EMPA, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Switzerland)
  Klaas-Jan Tielrooij
    (ICFO - Institut de Ciences Fotoniques, Spain)
  Felice Torrisi
    (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)
    Theory Workshop Orals
  Salim Berrada
    (Institut d´Electronique Fondamentale, France)
  Andrés Rafael Botello Méndez
    (UCL, Belgium)
  Joaquin Fernandez Rossier
    (INL, Portugal)
  Mauro Ferreira
    (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
  Ali Hallal
    (SPINTEC, CEA|CNRS|UJF-Grenoble 1, France)
  Luc Henrard
    (University of Namur, Belgium)
  Nicolas Leconte
    (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
  Laurence Magaud
    (Institut Néel CNRS, France)
  Deborah Prezzi
    (CNR, Nanoscience Institute, s3 Center, , Italy)
  Daniel Sanchez-Portal
    (Centro de Fisica de Materiales CFM CSIC-UPV/EHU, Spain)
  Tim Wehling
    (University of Bremen, Germany)
  Yuval Yaish
    (Technion, Israel)
  Igor Zozoulenko
    (Linköping University, Sweden)
    Materials Workshop Orals
  Giuseppe Valerio Bianco
    (IMIP-CNR, Italy)
  Francesco Bonaccorso
    (Cambridge University, United Kingdom)
  Peter Bøggild
    (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
  Victor Manuel Freire Soler
    (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)
  Filippo Giannazzo
    (CNR-IMM, Italy)
  Ari Harju
    (Aalto University, Finland)
  Robert Jacobberger
    (University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States)
  Frederic Joucken
    (University of Namur, Belgium)
  Paolo Lacovig
    (Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A., Italy)
  Annick Loiseau
    (LEM, ONERA-CNRS, France)
  Jean-Nicolas Longchamp
    (Physics Institute - University of Zurich, Switzerland)
  Juha Riikonen
    (Aalto University, Finland)
  Mikael Syväjärvi
    (Graphensic AB, Sweden)
  Shou-En Zhu
    (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
    Application Workshop Orals
  Kitty Cha
    (BASF SE, Germany)
  Min Sup Choi
    (SKKU Advanced Institute of Nano-Technology (SAINT), Korea)
  Gianluca Fiori
    (University of Pisa, Italy)
  Rahul Fotedar
    (Graphene Batteries AS, Norway)
  Wangyang Fu
    (University of Basel, Switzerland)
  Khasha Ghaffarzadeh
    (IDTechEx, United Kingdom)
  Mario Hofmann
    (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
  Ladislav Kavan
    (J Heyrovsky Institute, Czech Republic)
  Jens Meyer
    (Philips Research, Germany)
  Thomas Mueller
    (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
  Saverio Russo
    (University of Exeter, United Kingdom)
  Daniel Schall
    (AMO GmbH, Germany)
  Emmanuel Stratakis
    (Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH), Greece)

  Graphene 2012



  Main Sponsors

ImagineNano 2013